Day 2: Immortals (Hidden City AU)

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Continuation of the vid above


Cole's POV

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing… It's impossible…

“You're Princess Harumi Jade…” I spoke accepting her hand to help me stand up.

“Indeed, I am, now may I know your name, dear,” Princess Harumi replied to me.

Wait… “I don't… remember.”

“Oh dear, you fog must've had contact with the fog,” she pointed out. “But it's quite hilarious that you know what my name is, but not yours.”

Fog, what does she mean by that? “What fog?”

“That fog, dear,” she answered pointing behind me.

I looked behind me and I saw a dark, ominous fog. It seems to surround the city.

“Where am I?” I trailed off.

“Welcome to Ninjago City, dear!” Princess Harumi answered with optimism. “Also, I suppose this is yours,” she the ln hands me a book.

I opened the book and it says “Cole Brookstone's Journal.” The cover is filled with so many doodles and drawings.

“At least now you know your name, Cole,” she commented.

“Yeah,” I flipped to the next page and it states:


Finally got a new journal! (P.S. Thanks, Jay <3)

Anyways, today is an incredible day! My friend and I finally found the location and time of the next portal to Ninjago City. It took a lot of work, but we managed to crack the code and figure out the location.

The portal will appear at the fields close to those trees that's looks like came from Narnia in at precisely 11:11 PM tomorrow. We were both thrilled to finally have a breakthrough and couldn't wait to tell the rest of the Alliance.

But we also knew that we had to be careful. Master Wu said that Ninjago City is a dangerous and unpredictable place, and we needed to be prepared for anything. So, me and Jay spent the rest of the day planning and strategizing, making sure that we were ready for whatever lay ahead.

I'm both excited and nervous about what's to come, but I know that we're doing something important. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, but I can't wait to see what happens next.

Until then,
Cole B.


“You are very smart person,” Princess Harumi remarked as I close the journal. “No one has ever thought that there will be someone that will find the exact location and time the portal will appear!”

“Thanks, your Highness,” I replied with a smile, although my memories of the past still feels fuzzy.

“No need to be formal, Cole, just call me Rumi,” Princess Harumi said.

“Okay then, Rumi,” I agreed.

She smiled, but it fell after a few moments.

“You okay, Rumi?”

“What was the date written in your journal?” she asked.

I opened my journal and said, “Let's see, January, February, March, April…September 22, 2023, why'd you ask?”

Harumi's face contorted into a horror-stricken expression, “I got here at the year 1867…”

“Oh…” That explains it. Wait, does that mean… No, it couldn't be. I shooked my head and try to not think about it, “Did you aged in your time here?”

“I don't think so,” she replied. Okay that's good…

Wait, did I read that right? Lemme check. I opened my journal to the first entry and I did read that right.

“I mentioned that I'm with Jay here, but where is he now?” I whispered to myself.

&quot;AU-gust 2023,, (Ninjago AUs)Where stories live. Discover now