Day 12: Book Store (Before Time Had A Name AU)

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Note: Cole's MtF trans here.

No One's POV

Cole and Jay were browsing the aisles of the local bookstore when something caught their eye.

A leather-bound journal sat prominently on a display table labeled “In My Shoes”. The book was open to the first page, and Cole recognized the elegant script as her own.

Without a second thought, she snatched up the journal and began to flip through its pages.

Memories long forgotten flooded back into her mind, and she could almost hear the sounds of battle and the laughter of her friends.

Jay looked over her shoulder and saw what she was holding. “Isn't that your journal?” he asked.

Cole nodded, her eyes fixed on the page in front of her. “I can't believe someone found it,” she said quietly.

“Found what?” Kai chimed in.

Zane cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention. “King Cole's journal,” he said, gesturing to the book in Cole's hands.

“It contains details of the adventures he and his companions had during their time ruling Ninjago,” he added.

Lloyd eyes widened. “Adventures?”

Zane nodded. “Yes. It seems that the journal was discovered by someone who stumbled upon an ancient artifact, and they decided to sell it to the bookstore. I imagine they had no idea what it truly was.”

Nya stepped closer to the group, curiosity piqued. “What kind of adventures did they have?” she asked.

Zane flipped through the pages of the journal before finding the right section. “According to this entry, King Cole and his companions faced off against an army of skeletons and serpentines that were lead by a Djinn Prince named Nadakhan.”

Kai raised an eyebrow. “Skeletons? Like, actual skeletons? And what's a serpentine?”

Zane nodded. “Yes. And The Serpentine are an ancient race of reptilian creatures, with bodies that resemble snakes. They have unique cultural traditions, including their own language, music, and ar—.”

“That's enough, Frosty,” Kai cut him. Not wanting a full-proof explanation.

Lloyd leaned in closer, intrigued. “Do you think we could learn more about our history by reading that journal?”

“Likely,” Zane said reaching out for the journal. “May I?” he asked Cole.

Cole nodded, handing him the journal, “Sure.”

As Zane continued to describe the battles and triumphs chronicled in the journal, Cole couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and pride wash over her. She had been a part of something extraordinary, and even though she had left that life behind, the memories remained as vivid as ever.

Jay nudged her arm, interrupting her thoughts. “Hey, you okay?”

Cole nodded, smiling at her friend. “Yeah. Just… remembering.”

Jay grinned back at her. “Yeah. Me too.”

They turned their attention back to Zane as he read another passage from the journal, the words filling the air with a sense of magic and wonder. And as they listened, Cole and Jay knew that their adventures were far from over.

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