Day 3: Writer (Fictional Reality AU)

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Note: Cole is a girl here and her name is Nicolette, Nicole or Nick for short. Cole is like self-insert of herself in her story, but I used Cole anyways, because yes.

Cole's POV

What to listen, what to listen... "Fictional" by Khloe Rose...

Sounds interesting, let's hear it. Maybe this could help me with my story.

'Well, I guess the third time's not a charm. Nursing a three times broken heart.'

Hmm, not what I expect, but okay.

'I put myself in another world. Where I can be any other girl.'

That hits a little close to home...


Damn, everything after that's relatable. Oh why, oh why fictional characters looks hot.

'Where they're meeting up halfway and they're kissing in the rain. It's a little bit cliché but I love it anyway.'

Hey, that's a nice scene idea. I'll just adjust to a scene for friends, since it'll be weird for Jay and Cole to suddenly be in love with one another. It's also a nice break for Cole and Jay.

I grabbed a paper and start writing my base idea "When they're hanging in the rain? No, that's gonna be redundant..."

What else rhymes with halfway?... C'mon Rocky, use your poet brain.

Ding "Ayun!" I exclaimed.

I start writing it down before I forget it, "When they're hanging by the lane, and they're dancing in the rain."

Did someone ever did that already?... Eh, frick originality, they deserves this.

Oh, it's past 10 na. Better sleep now, I still have school tomorrow.

Tomorrow after school,

Siete, it's raining now. Better run home.

As I run home, the raindrops began to pelt against my skin, soaking through my clothes.

The streets were deserted, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. Oh, how I wished Jay was here, sharing this moment with me. Cole's so lucky to have Jay...

The rhythm of the rain matched the beating of my heart as I quickened my pace. My imagination transported me to that fictional scene, where the raindrops were a playful symphony and the world was our dance floor.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, envisioning Jay's laughter and his outstretched hand, inviting me to join him. But as I opened my eyes, I realized I was still alone, walking home in the pouring rain.

'Cause it's better than when you're walking home. And the rain starts pouring but you're all alone.'

Before you call me out, I know siete means seven. It's just a good substitute for sh*t.

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