Colby - Sleepover

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(Cringe warning, I can't write romance!!!)

Sam turned around so that he wasn't facing me, gripped the bottom of his shirt, and slid it off. He was stronger than I thought, still pretty thin, but he could lift almost the same amount as me at the gym. Breaking my stare at his back, was his green and blue pyjamas.

"Dinosaurs? Really?" I flipped over the sheets on his pristine beige bed, jumped onto it belly first and flipped around so my head was on one of the pillows. As soon as Sam turned back around, he saw me lying in his bed, and he didn't look entirely impressed. "Yes, dinosaurs, I haven't grown much since I was fourteen. Anyway, I only have a king-single mattress, so I should just sleep on the floor," He knelt down, getting a neatly thrown blanket off of the end of the bed, and rested his head on the beanbag.

I rolled my eyes and folded back the blankets, walked over to Sam and picked him up by his armpits like he was a child. He was as heavy as one as well to be honest. I threw him into his bed and crawled in after him, dragging the blankets over us.

The blankets were bigger than I thought, so we were pretty much entirely covered. Just like Sam said, the bed wasn't quite big enough for both of us to have our own space, so I was practically on top of him. He looked a bit uncomfortable, but not in the way that he did when I put that True Crime show on. From the sma light that was seeping under the sheets, I could tell that his face was a brighter shade. His eyes were looking directly into mine and they were, wide like he had just discovered something revolutionary, and he was breathing heavily out of his slightly open mouth.

"You good dude?"
"I.... Uuhhh..." He turned his head so that he wasn't looking at me blinked and closed his lips abruptly. "Hah," I could tell that me being on top of him was a bit weird, so I shuffled around so that I was lying under the blankets, and his waist was being wrapped in my arm. To get comfortable, the temple of Sam's head was lying in my armpit and I had my chin resting on the top of his head.

Before I knew it, I was slipping into sleep.

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