Sam - Kisses

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If Colby were to ever write an autobiography, specifically about this moment, he'd most likely lie and say that he kissed me, but that definitely not true, as I made the first move. I had tried to act all cocky and confident like he always was, but it just ended up looking like I was having a stroke. Somehow though, I was able to speak with a level of romance, moving for and planting my lips on his shortly after I spoke.

This kiss was like the first, with the only difference being the length. This one was a bit longer, but I still felt like it was over to soon as we both instinctively pulled away. "W-was that okay?" Colby's voice shook a little, but when I shifted my hand to his arm, he took a deep breath and calmed. "It was better than okay, Colby. W-... would you like another one?"

"Not if I do it fir-" He leaned in again, so fast in fact, that he wasn't able to finish his own sentence. This kiss was different, but not figuratively. Colby's hand held my jaw for support as he added his tongue, and wrapped it around mine, which I was not angry about in the slightest, more, shocked at how fast this was all moving. But it was good.

"Do you want me to stop? Because, I can if you'd like. I would have to make you feel uncomfortable Sam."

"Shut up and kiss me again."


I checked the digital clock sitting on his bedside table.



My neck was stretching almost one hundred and eighty degrees, as I was restrained from moving any further. Colby and I were lying on his bed, his arm wrapped around my torso as he faced the ceiling. I didn't think he was sleeping, but I couldn't be sure, as his eyelids fluttered every few minutes.

We hadn't had sex or anything like that, it was strictly just kissing.

"Just kissing"

Yeah, I hear myself. If this had of happened with anybody else, I might’ve been nervous, scared, or even excited, but when I was with Colby, he made everything feel equally as important, and made me feel like I was the luckiest guy alive to even just be around him.

I let my head fall into the crook of his shoulder. The arm that he had placed around me was tight enough so that I probably couldn't leave, but my mom wanted me home by dinner, so I had to try. "Colby?"

"You alright?" He responded immediately, albeit groggily, and his eyes remained closed.

"I kind of need to... leave."


"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"No, as in, I don't want you to leave."

"That's very sweet but," I tried to wriggle free, using all of my strength to push his limp arm off of me, "I need to go."

"Fine. Where are you going?" I sat on the side of the bed, and it tilted as I felt him change sides to look at me.

"I have to go home and have dinner, my mom's actually home for once, and I'm not missing my opportunity to see her."

Neither of us talked for a moment, and it felt as if he was thinking about what to say next.

"Can I come?"

"To my house? For dinner?"


I felt as if I had to oblige, after the hour previously, and he started to get out if bed.

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