Do You Believe in Miracles?

Start from the beginning

My fear lessens.

That fear that I've had ever since I met you, the fear that tricked me into thinking that despite you being so damn smart, it still convinced me that you're too small and fragile and that you need someone there to save you. That you need a hero to protect you 24/7.

That fear goes away, when I see those scars. Because you don't need a hero, you're your own hero. You don't even need me, and the relief that gives me helps me sleep at night, knowing you can take care of yourself and fight until the end without me, even though I'll always make sure not to ever leave you without me nonetheless. Despite knowing you can fend for yourself.

You're so strong my angel. Look at all she did to you and you still survived.

The amount of mental and physical strength that would have taken is unfathomable to me. Who could say that? Who could be on the brink of death like you and still make it?" Lisa said, turning Jennie around to face her now.

"You." Jennie whispered into Lisa's lips, snaking her own hands to touch the scars from where Lisa had been shot.

Lisa shook her head.

"These were nothing compared to you." Lisa whispered back, claiming Jennie's lips. She worked her way down her neck and her breasts and much like Jennie had done before with her, Lisa kissed every single scar before she hooked one of Jennie's legs over her shoulders and paid special attention to her center, wanting to make Jennie feel good as Lisa used one hand to caress the bumps of her scars.

They took a little too long in the shower after that and by then everyone was well on the way to Felix scale of drunk, except, surprisingly, Felix.

Only because Jisoo had took it upon herself to find him her least potent wine because he refused to drink, knowing he'd just pass out. His cheeks were very rosy but over all he was the one slurring the least.

"Impressive." Lisa told him as she ruffled his hair.

"I wrote a formula of how fast the alcohol metabolizes in my body and adjusted it to my size and general tolerance based on my history and so now I've found the sweet spot and only take a drink every thirty minutes. I've had four and haven't passed out yet!" Felix said merrily.

"Leave it to you to use math to hack drinking." Lisa said fondly.

Felix shrugged giddily and ran off practically skipping, happy that for once in his life he wasn't missing the party as he joined the party. He usually just had to stay sober the entire time to enjoy them but now he knew how everyone felt when they talked about being tipsy.

Lisa spotted Irene as she watched Felix run to Rosie.

"I want to be glued to your side all night, but I need to get an update from Irene about Bammy, see if she's gotten anywhere, is that okay?" Lisa asked Jennie. "You don't have to come with me of course."

Jennie leaned up to peck her on the lips.

"I need to talk to Hoyeon anyway. She might be able to help get access to some of the things we need to build that cell." Jennie said, spotting the doctor too. "Do your thing baby."

"I love you." Lisa said as she reluctantly parted from Jennie.


"Lisa, hey. Good thing you're finally here. This is my girlfriend Seulgi."

Lisa was mildly surprised at how loose Irene was being, introducing her to her girlfriend and being friendly, usually Irene was all business.

She supposed that was fair considering they weren't in a professional setting at the moment, giving the raging party getting progressively more hectic around them.

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