56: Gym Sex In The Morning

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A month later...

Waking up to crying through the baby monitor that was on my nightstand, I flutter my eyes open to see Honey was in-fact up. Looking over, I saw the bed empty next to me, not knowing where Jimin was. Some mornings he woke up with me, some mornings he went into the office early; it just depended.

Getting out of bed after doing a big stretch, I head over to Honey's nursery to see her already standing up while whining.

"I'm here, baby. Mommy's right here!" I coo, walking over to her to pick her up.

She immediately stopped whimpering and started sniffling, causing me to wipe her little tears and rub her chubby tummy. I change her diaper before putting her into a fresh lounge-outfit for the day.

After brushing her little hairs over in one direction, I picked her up and headed out down the hall. I didn't even have time to pee, brush my teeth, or change; baby girl always comes first.

Now that's she's walking, she's been on-the-go, and it's been tiring for me and Jimin, chasing her all around. We also saw Mrs. Kim last week and she was elated to hear we were pregnant again. And just like I thought, I was now two months along, but still no real bump. My stomach almost just looked like I was bloated.

Walking downstairs, I headed into the kitchen to prepare Honey a bottle. I knew she was hungry because she started getting a little fussy again. After heating her bottle in the bottle warmer, I immediately gave it to her as she held it herself.

As I walked out of the kitchen, I began to wonder where Jimin was. He always texts me if he goes into the office, but when I checked my phone when I woke up, there was nothing. Walking down the hall to his home office, I didn't see him in there either.

Thinking of one last place he could be, I headed downstairs to the home gym to see if he was maybe getting a morning workout in.

As we headed down the hall and looked through the glass door, I in-fact saw Jimin lifting weights as he stared in the mirror at his form, music blaring as sweat dripped off of his forehead. He was in a tight compression shirt with black shorts, looking so damn hot.

Yeah...my hormones have been insane so far in this second pregnancy, my sex-drive for him was through the roof. Working-out was his way of blowing-off steam, getting away from the stress of work.

"Say...where's dada, huh? Say, 'dada, where are you?'" I coo, acting like Honey was actually gonna say the full sentence.

She looks through the glass door and starts squirming in my arms, bouncing her legs up and down when she saw her dada. I opened the door and immediately set her down as she ran over to Jimin with her bottle in hand.

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