17: Periods & I Love You's

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The next morning...

Waking up to excruciating cramps in my lower stomach, I fluttered my eyes open to see Jimin wasn't next to me. Fully waking up, I sat up in bed freaking out. My body was now fully aware of what was happening.

Pulling the covers over and stepping out of bed, I looked down to see blood stains all over Jimin's sheets where I was lying. I started my period. I was glad that I wasn't pregnant at the moment, but I felt terrible for ruining Jimin's sheets.

"No, no, no," I whimper, pulling my shirt down, realizing I only wore Jimin's tee to bed.

"You're awake, Princess," Jimin coos softly while walking in with a breakfast tray.

I flinched at his sudden entrance, scaring me half to death. I gave him a soft smile for bringing me breakfast but glanced back down at the bed with a worried look. "I-I'm sorry, Jimin. I didn't know it would come a couple of days early, I-" I apologize, but he sets the tray down and comes over to me.

"Baby, what's wrong? What are you talking about?" he asks worryingly.

"I-I started my period. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your-"

"Love, it's fine. I-I can change the sheets and get them washed, don't worry about it. Are you okay?" he explains, grabbing my shoulders to face him.

"I-It hurts, but I have to deal with this every month. I-I need to go to the bathroom, especially before I make more of a mess," I whimper, wobbling towards his bathroom to go sit on the toilet.

"What do you need, baby? What do you need me to get you?" he asks frantically, coming into the bathroom with me.

"Umm...Do you mind getting me a tee, some sweatpants, and some bigger underwear? I have a couple of pads in my toiletry bag in here, but I'm going to need way more...and maybe a heating pad would be great," I reply all in one breath, looking at him innocently.

"No problem, sweetheart," he coos, walking out of the bathroom to retrieve my stuff in the closet.

He came back shortly after, setting my clothes down on the vanity counter. "I'll ask Ann to get the rest for you, I'm sure she knows all about that stuff," he smiles, leaning up against the sink.

"Thank you...Are you mad?" I ask, looking up at him while sticking my bottom lip out.

"Why would I be mad, angel?" he wonders, shaking his head.

"Because...we won't get to have sex for a while," I reply, looking down at my feet.

"Hah...Kitten, do you think I'm a sex addict or something?" he asks, chuckling.

"Well, yeah...I kinda do, actually," I murmur, nodding.

In fact, this sudden softness from you this morning is a tad confusing.

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