43: Scared & Worried

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"Fuck," Jimin grits, opening his nightstand drawer and taking out a handgun to set on the bed.

I gasped, wondering what the fuck was going on. Jimin frantically walked into the closet to put an outfit on, coming back out and putting his gun in the back of his pants. My heart was pounding.

Aiden has his Mrs. Park?

"What the hell is going on, guys?" I ask them as Tae just watches Jimin scramble around.

"I had a feeling this would happen," Jimin growls, totally ignoring my question.

"Why would he take your mom, Jimin? She didn't do anything," I rasp, pulling the duvet back to get out of bed.

"You will not leave this house, do you understand me?!" he shouts, glaring daggers at me.

I flinched, stepping back a bit. "...Yeah," I murmur, feeling confused at all of this sudden chaos.

"Y/N, you and Ella need to stay put. Guards are surrounding the property and the house, plus we have the cameras. Your personal security is downstairs and watching the cameras, don't worry. Pierre made you guys dinner, so just try to relax," Taehyung explains, making me take a deep breath.

"That's fine. We can stay put, but can one of you explain what the fuck is going on?!" I begin to raise my voice, needing a damn answer.

"I'm not sure. One of his guys just called and said Jimin better come save his mom...and hung up," Tae replies, making Jimin tighten his jaw.

Jimin was so out of it. He was freaking out inside, I could tell. The man who always thought he had everything and everyone under control, now didn't. Though we've gone through a lot with Mrs. Park, that was his mother and my mother-in-law.

After putting his cell phone in his pocket and making sure his gun was loaded, they both headed out of the room without saying anything, making me follow them like a lost puppy as they headed down the hall. "Jimin!" I call out, making him stop and turn around to me as Tae continues down the stairs.

"What?" he snaps, his breathing heavy from the adrenaline.

"You guys need to be careful. We're going to be worried sick. This is why I told you not to deal with him," I grit, shaking my head as I try to stop the knot in my throat.

"I do not need your attitude right now...I was selling to him long before I met you. This is revenge for the restraining order...This is his version of being petty," he hisses, anger boiling within him.

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