46: Hearing The Heartbeat

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A couple months later...

Well, I'm officially over six months, now, and I'm starting to feel the baby making different movements in my belly. Feeling the baby kick at night and sometimes during the day has really made it real for me. That there's a little human in there baking and growing.

Though Jimin has been really busy with work for the winter season, he tries to connect with the baby when he can. He loves talking to the baby at night and singing it lullaby's, making my heart melt. I just know he's gonna be an amazing dad, despite his worries about it all.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, stressed, worried, etc. Thankfully, I haven't had terrible side-effects, but my hormones still go crazy from time-to-time, causing me and Jimin to get into a lot of arguments. It was over petty stuff, too; totally not worth it.

I've been trying to control my stress and keep myself busy, but sometimes there was tension between us. Sometimes we would have sex, and sometimes he would just go into his office downstairs to ignore me.

Even though the baby is a blessing and we don't regret getting pregnant, it feels like it's getting more real for us, and we're realizing that we're gonna have a baby right at the beginning of our marriage.

We won't be able to travel, go out a lot, etc., and I'm just worried about what this new normal will be for us. And although Jimin is super supportive and we can't wait to be parents, I can just tell it's not the same between us.

With some of my mood-swings, tiredness, and hormones, I'm not always in the mood to have sex. Though we have incredible sexual-chemistry, I could tell Jimin was getting sexually-frustrated from time-to-time when I wasn't in the mood.

He knew I would be getting more tired and we would have to be more gentle as the baby grew bigger, but I didn't want him to hold that against me.

I just feel like there's been a disconnect between us for the past month or so. He would always say I'm beautiful and sexy, but I felt like a big whale. I knew he truly meant it and really thought I was glowing, but my insecurities would kick in...Maybe that's why I would subconsciously not wanna have sex all of the time.

But sometimes when I would get really horny, he would be locked away in his office working for the day and sometimes into the night.

I don't know how to explain it really, but things were getting real for us. And though we're over-the-moon excited for the baby, and to even find out the gender soon...I could tell Jimin was pocketing-up all of his feelings, like he always does when he's stressed.

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