"I swear! If this is one of your pranks, I will get you expelled!"

"No need to worry. I am a changed person." The girl in question nodded and smiled innocently, earning snickers from some daring students.

The lady turned back to teach, still unconvinced.

Jimin and Hea started laughing quietly but when Mrs. Lee turned around, they returned to their innocent smiling faces.

She turned back to the board with an angry sigh.

The two heard small whining from inside Hea's bag and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What do we do?" Jimin mouthed.

"I don't know! I am always the problem causer not solver!" She answered.

Jimin shook his head.

"Give him food to quiet him?"

"Ew! We are NOT putting food in my bag."

"Well, there's forty-five minutes more until class ends so you figure out a solution."

Hea groaned quietly. "Casper you naughty boy." She spoke to bag.

"Idea." Hea declared and told Jimin to act normal.

When Mrs. Lee turned around just that instant, Hea raised her hand.

"Uh... Mrs. Lee."

"What is it?!"

"I have an emergency." She said in a kind tone.

The lady squinted her eyes.

"A bathroom emergency." Hea said again in a very innocent tone, blinking.

"Go." Was all Mrs. Lee said while rolling her eyes. "I give you one minute or detention!"

The class "oohed" and Jimin looked at her worried.

One more detention meant expulsion from her uncle, and he knew that.

"Thank you, Miss." Hea got up seeming not at all bothered.

"Why are you taking your bag?!" The lady yelled, already running out of patience.

"I told you," She said pouting innocently. "It's a bathroom emergency."

"One minute. Starts now." The lady massaged her head, sighing.

Hea rushed out the class, not forgetting to give Jimin a mischievous wink.

The girl ran down the hallway, making sure her bag was safe and burst into her uncle's office after she made sure it was vacant.

Mr. Kang was startled but greeted her.

"Hey uncle! I might've caused another problem."

Before the man could speak, she carried on.

"You see what happened was. I saw this cute animal on the road yesterday and me, being the sweet and kindhearted person I am, took him home. But the problem now is that the pup didn't want to leave me this morning and climbed in my bag! So now he's here."

Her uncle barely caught on what she's saying because she was speaking so fast, but when Hea took the cute animal out, he made sense of the situation.

"I will keep him; you go to class now and collect him when you're done."

"Thanks so much Uncle. I have to get back to class in thirty seconds or Mrs. Lee will kill me. Bye!"

He laughed as the girl sprinted out of his office. Then he looked at the pup on his desk staring at him.

My Innocent Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now