Successful Experiment, Getting Arrested.

Start from the beginning

'If I can remove the aspect of stationary in the spell and replace it with the aspect of motion or movement. Will it work?'

Icarus engineered the spell again but this time putting new aspects in it.

After a few minutes of doing so, Icarus was done.

'Now, let's test it.'

But of course, what kind of reseacher Icarus would be if he tested this new, untested spell on himself?

So, he pointed his hand towards his journal and casted the spell. Since the spell was an Instant one/One-Line spell, it didn't take a second for the spell to be casted.

A brown-ish gold magic circle was casted beneath his journal and disappeared. Icarus opened his hand and the journal appeared on his palm.

'No tear or any damage.' He thought as he checked the journal all over.

Icarus opened the journal and walked to the tree, getting his quill there. He wrote—

[No damages can be seen on the journal. The casting speed is good but it can be better.

Suggestion: Develop a Half-One Line Incarnation or not to use incarnations at all. Use the spell on instinct alone.

Mobility: Not tested... require a subject with consciousness.

Speed: Can be better....]

Icarus paused.  And wrote [Further research required to finally use it.]

He closed his journal and sighed.

Right. Who thought being a magical reseacher was easy? Huu~

Icarus tossed his journal in the air, a second later it appeared in his hands.

He repeated this for another whole hour. Trying to get the feeling of using the spell and adjusting to it's casting.


Hours passed by without his father returning back. It made Icarus concerned about him, his father isn't a person to dilly dally around. So, for him to be this late?

Icarus's lips unconsciously twisted into a frown.

'He's late.'

Was the exhibition really that long? Or is it Daedalus complicated relationship with Perdix that made him this late?

As he was thinking like that, Icarus felt the bound field sigils being destroyed. It's such a crude work that even Icarus noticed. One thing was evident though, the person who removed it doesn't have any experience with dismantling a bound field.

'This... can't be father.' He thought.

Icarus brows were knitted together as he try to ponder what sort of an idiot will try to destroy a bound field around the house of Daedalus.

The boundary field around the house isn't really that powerful. It was put in place to discourage any invaders, that's why Daedalus made it in a form of illusory Maze. The Maze that will make Daedalus infamous.

Nonetheless Icarus discovered that there are invaders in his home.

'What should I do to them?' Icarus contemplated.

It wasn't long before Icarus heard stomps of footsteps and the clanking of amours.

Since Icarus was in the yard, it didn't take long for the invaders to find Icarus.

Icarus smiled as his eyes starts to glow slightly, indicating his use of magic.

Before he can move though the person who was on the front of this people came forward and shouted.

"Icarus of Athens, Son of Daedalus. You've been arrested for being associated with a murderer. Surrender now!"

Icarus paused...'Associated with a murderer?' Sorry sir, I advice you to stop smoking whatever you're smoking.

As he wanted to get full information, Icarus asked. "A murderer? Who's that?"

The invaders closed on Icarus as the person who spoke Previously answered. "Daedalus."

It didn't really take Icarus long to figure out who his father killed. 'Damn, just as I was getting comfortable with my home.'

Icarus just sighed and allowed the.... soldiers? yhea, let's go with that. He allowed the soldiers to arrest him.

Not that a pair of cuffs can really stop him. They aren't a magic tool that can stop his magic, maybe if they are. Icarus use of magic through Divine Words don't use any mana or prana, so they'll be useless against him.

Other than that, Icarus can kill all of them under five seconds if he wants. But he didn't, he want to see his father. To see where he is, so they can leave this place together.

"Lead the way, Mr soldier." Icarus snarked at him.



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