Chaoter 20: It Begins, Where It Ends (Finale)

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Wardog escorts Destiny to his headquarters. She keeps trying to pull away but can't.

"Let go of me", Destiny yells.

"Stop resisting", Wardog yells.

"This feels like rape", Destiny says as Wardog pulls her into his headquarters.

"Don't be crazy, I wouldn't rape my daughter", Wardog says.

Destiny stops resisting and stares at Wardog.

"Excuse me?", Destiny says.

Wardog smirks.

"You heard me, I'm your father", Wardog says.

"No, you're crazy, there's no way you can be my father, you're white", Destiny says.

"August 13th, 1998 was the day you were born and also the day you were given up", Wardog says.

"What are you talking about?", Destiny asks.

"Oh I remember it like it was yesterday, it was raining that night and I was working late doing mandated community service at a foster care facility. When there was a knock at the door and you were the one at the door step. Your mother standing across the street crying, before walking away into the night", Wardog says.

"My mother wouldn't do that", Destiny says.

"YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR MOTHER!", Wardog yells, "Your mother was a crackhead and a prostitute who probably got pregnant by some random man needing a little bit of relief and willing to pay $50".

"And I'm suppose to believe you just took me into your care", Destiny says.

"Not initially, I didn't want children, I wanted revenge", Wardog says, "But as you grew up and I continued community service, you grew on me and I fell in love with you".

"Father of the year", Destiny says.

"The only one that wanted you", Wardog says, "How do you think you know how to hold a gun, how to fight, how to be a boss, I trained you".

"If you were such a crucial part of my life, why don't I remember you?", Destiny asks.

"Because all good things must come to an end, and while I enjoyed your company, having a kid around would jeopardize my plans of world takeover", Wardog says, "So I brained washed you and sent you to a town no one would think to check".

Tears begin filling Destiny's eyes.

"So you didn't want me either?", Destiny asks.

"At the time, keeping you wasn't the right thing to do", Wardog says, "But we can be together now, do all those evil things together that we missed out on".

Tears roll down Destiny's face.

"I will never be apart of anything connected to you", Destiny says.

"Bite your tongue child", Wardog says slamming his hand on the table.

"I'm not your child", Destiny replies.

Wardog takes a deep breath.

"Well I tried", Wardog says shrugging his shoulders, "But just know, I still love you daughter".

"You have a funny way of showing it....Dad!", Destiny says.

One of Wardogs guards takes Destiny by the arm and leads her to join the others. He throws her down the stairs. Khalil helps her up.

"Are you okay, what's going on, why did he need you, why are you crying?", Khalil asks frantically.

"Wardogs my father", Destiny says her voice trembling.

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