Chapter 17: Unit 43

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"What's your plans with Lightning?", Anissa asks.

"She must be dealt with", Wardog starts, "When Lightnings gone, there's not a single person in Freeland who can stop me".

"I get that but what do you plan on doing to deal with her", Anissa asks.

Wardog turns back to her looking at her skeptical.

"You'll know soon enough", Wardog says.

"You don't trust me?", Anissa asks.

"Have you given me a reason to trust you?", Wardog asks standing up.

"I fought my team for you", Anissa says, "is that not enough?".

"No, but don't worry I have a mission I want you to go on solo to prove yourself to me", Wardog says.

"I'm ready for whatever", Anissa says.

"Okay, I've got intel stating that a member on your team is looking into her background trying to find her birth parents and any information regarding them", Wardog says.

"Destiny?", Anissa asks.

"Correct", Wardog says, "Well I can't allow her to uncover all of her truths because it could jeopardize me, and she seems to be getting close to the truth".

"May I ask what you're scared of her finding", Anissa asks.

"Yes, I don't want you worrying about logistics, all I want you to do is go to the storage unit and destroy it completely. The unit number is 43, I don't want any trace of who could have done this", Wardog says.

"Consider it done", Anissa says.

"Well go relax for a while, I'll alert you when you can begin the mission", Wardog says.

Anissa nods and leaves Wardog.

At the hideout, Grace and Dionte are in the medical room, checking out Lala.

"You're almost 100% Lala, meaning you'll be ready to go back to the outside world soon", Grace says.

"You mean, back to the outside world with no record of what I've been through the past 30 days", Lala says.

"I don't make the rules", Grace replies.

"But you do enforce them, so can you enforce this one and let me go and forget about mind wiping me?", Lala asks.

"You know our secrets, you know everything, I can't jeopardize that type of information leaking out", Grace says.

"You don't trust me to keep that secret?", Lala asks.

"It's not that we don't trust you", Grace starts, "Anything can happen, someone could probe your brain and find out this information, it's better you are unable to recall the information about us".

"And we don't trust you", Dionte says.

Lala lays back on the medical bed.

In the sanctum TC and Jenn discuss her regaining her powers. Erica sits across the room reading.

"Okay Jenn good news, while we thought your powers had been wiped away again, after running test I discovered they are still there just inactive", TC states.

"So how do we activate it"", Jenn asks.

"Now that, I don't know", TC replies.

"Maybe I can help", Erica says walking up.

"What are you thinking?", Jenn asks.

"So, with my powers they only activate when someone gives me that push", Erica replies.

Black Lightning: The Outsiders - Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora