Chapter 12: Digging For The Truth

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Khalil and Destiny arrive at the hospital, they walk in and everyone in the building immediately stares at them. An older lady walks past them looking them up and down.

"Who are you looking at up and down", Destiny asks, "Did your dentures fall out or something?".

The older woman snarls and speeds past them.

"We need to work on your manners", Khalil says leading her to the receptionist.

"She needs to work on her staring problem", Destiny says.

They get up the receptionist desk.

"Hey, how May I help you?", the receptionist says.

"Uh, hello Mrs. Martha", Khalil says glaring at her name-tag.

"Are you here to see a patient", Martha asks.

"No I'm here to get some medical files", Khalil says.

"Ok, so what's your name?", Martha asks.

"Khalil, but I'm not here for mine, I'm here for Keenan Payne", Khalil says.

"Sir, we aren't allowed to give out someone's medical records to just anyone", Martha says.

"I'm not just anyone, he's my brother and he died and I want to see the autopsy report", Khalil replies.

"Look, I'm sorry for your lost, but unless you're his mother or his father, I can't give out that type of information", Martha says.

Khalil takes a deep breath. Destiny looks at him then reaches in her pocket and pulls out some money.

"Look, I know this job pays receptionist dog shit, so will you give us the files for $30", Destiny says handing her the money.

Martha takes the money.

"No, but I will for $50", Martha says.

"Greedy Bitch", Destiny says reaching in her pocket and not finding anything, "That's all the money I had on me Khalil, can you give her the rest".

"What, I need my money, saving the world doesn't put dollars in your pocket", Khalil says.

"Either you give her the rest of the money or we go to plan B", Destiny says.

"What's plan B?", Martha asks.

"I beat the files up out of you", Destiny says.

"On second thought, this $30 will be just fine", Martha says going into the computer and beginning to print out Keenan's file.

Khalil and Destiny patiently wait for the files.

Back at the hideout.

Anissa begins packing her bag aggressively. Jenn walks in and sees her, she looks over at Grace confused.

"Uh Grace, what's going on?", Jenn asks.

"Your sister is overreacting because I called Lynn", Grace says.

"Oh lord, what Anissa do to get the mother called on her", Jenn jokes laying across the bed. 

"I called her so she can talk some sense into Anissa about this whole killing Wardog thing", Grace states.

"And I'm guessing it didn't turn out well", Jenn says.

"Nope, she hung up on your mom then decided she needed a break from the team", Grace says.

"It might be what her stubborn behind needs", Jenn says.

Anissa gets annoyed and turns to them.

"You know what you need", Anissa says. 

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