Chapter 1: Calm Before The Storm

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The US Pentagon:

A Soldier sits in front of a wall of screens showing different camera angles of the US Pentagon. In one of the rooms, a number of soldiers are practicing defusing bombs and in another the president is meeting with the head of the pentagon. Suddenly he see's an explosion in one of the cameras. He immediately sounds off the alarm. One of the Sergeants runs in to the room to find out what's going on. In the camera a group of men in gas masks storm through the front door of the pentagon, shooting any person in sight. The Sergeant quickly grabs the intercom mic.

"I want anyone with a gun and vest to report to the front gate, protect the President and lock down the meeting room", The Sergeant yells.

He throws the mic down and grabs a gun off the wall, he throws it to the Soldier watching the cameras.

"That means you too Johnson, you're with me", The Sergeant yells running towards the Presidents meeting room.

Soldier Johnson stands up and runs behind him nervously.

At the front of the building the group of men have torn through half the soldiers on duty. Once the front line has been cleared the leader stops in the middle of the room and holds up a fist.

"The President is in the meeting room on the south side, half of you take the left and the rest of you take the right with me", the leader says.

The group of men separate heading for the presidents meeting room.

The Sergant and Soldier Johnson arrive at the presidents meeting room. They have successfully locked down the room.

"Everyone stand your grand and get ready to fire", the sergant yells.

Suddenly the group of men turn the corner from both directions firing at the soldiers. Soldier Johnson gets hit in the arm and collapses to the floor. The Sergeant gets down on his knee and tries to help him, but the moment he tries to help him up he gets shot in the neck. After a few more seconds of fatal shots, the battle stops with the Group of Masked Men standing over a floor of soldiers. The leader walks up to the meeting room door and kicks it open. The Leader of the Pentagon stands in front of the President guarding him. One of the men from the group quickly holds up their gun but the leader instructs him to drop his weapon.

"Who are you and what do you want?", The Leader of The Pentagon asks.

"We want to speak to the President, Alone", The Leader of Masked Men say.

"Over my dead body", The Leader of The Pentagon says.

"Suit yourself", The Leader of the Masked Men says.

He raises his hand and and in one shot the The Leader of the Pentagon goes down.

"Now, that we got your attention Mr. President", The Leader says.

"I don't know who you are, or what you want....", The President starts.

"Then we better make this quick, you see we're a group of men with a dream, a dream to get rid of everyone with power, because people don't know how to use their power right. They think they can control us and make us do whatever they want. But no longer, from this day forward we plan to regain the power that the powerful think they have", The Leader says.

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