Chapter 2: Crashing Parties

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The next day, Jenn, Brandon, and TC are in the sanctum. Jenn stands in an indestructible pod with her mission suit on. Brandon and TC sit behind a computer looking at her vitals.

"Okay Jenn, try it now", TC says.

Jenn takes a deep breath and holds out her hand. She strains trying to spark a lightning ball. On the screen her vitals start to rise. TC and Brandon exchange looks. In the pod Jenn still tries to spark a lightning ball, she breathes heavy closing her eyes. Suddenly the computer monitor starts sparking. TC and Brandon back up from the monitor.

"Okay Jenn, that's enough", Brandon says.

Jenn takes a deep breath and stops. She opens the pod and walks out.

"Well there's definitely power around you, you just can't access it", TC says.

"I know a way I can access it", Jenn says.

"Is it a way that doesn't include the ionosphere?", Brandon asks.

Jenn rolls her eyes.

"Exactly", Brandon says walking over to comfort her.

"I don't see what's the bad idea", Jenn says, "It helped me regain more power last time, why not give me my power back".

"Because without your powers, we don't know what it would do to you", TC says.

Jenn sighs looking at the floor.

"Hey, don't be sad, powers or not you're still an amazing hero", Brandon says.

He gives Jenn a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, and don't get your hopes up, we're close, we just have to keep trying", TC says.

Jenn nods and smiles softly. A few seconds later Grace and Anissa walk in.

"Good Morning Everyone", Grace says.

"Good Morning", TC says.

"What are you all up to?", Anissa asks.

"Leaving!", Jenn says grabbing Brandon's hand and pulling him out the sanctum.

"That girl", Anissa says laughing.

"Stubborn as a mule", TC jokes.

They all laugh.

"So what did you find on the government database last night", Anissa says.

"Not much", TC says pulling up his notes on the screen.

Anissa and Grace gather around TC.

"So this Militia isn't the first of it's kind, in fact they've been around for ages since superheroes were even introduced. They've been expanding and working with anti-governmental agencies around the globe to take down superheroes.", TC says.

"So literally every superhero is in danger", Grace says.

"We have to let my Dad know", Anissa says.

"Oh they already know, I talked to Erica this morning and she said the Militia has already taken out a few heroes", TC says.

"This is crazy", Anissa says turning and pacing the floor.

Grace gets closer to TC.

"Do you know if the militia has made it's way to Freeland", Grace asks.

"There's really no telling, I mean anyone could be the militia. However, I was looking through Freeland's Dark Web and there's talks of an interest meeting happening tonight, from an Anti-Government Terrorist Group called the Supreme Ones.", TC says pulling up there flyer.

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