Chapter 6: The Underground

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Anissa wakes up on a hospital bed, she immediately sits up and starts looking around. Although it's slightly dim she can see the rest of the team in hospital beds around the room. She touches her face and realizes her mask is gone. She quickly stands up, when she's on her feet a sharp pain goes down her spine.

"Ow", Anissa says taking a deep breath. 

She holds her breath activating her powers and quickly heals her self. She stands up straight and runs over to Jenn. Jenn lays there without a scratch compared to the other bruised teammates. Anissa touches her arm. Jenn jumps out of her sleep and screams.

"Jenn, it's okay, I'm here", Anissa says grabbing her arms.

Jenn takes a deep breath and calms down.

"Where are we?", Jenn asks.

"I'm not sure, but we're unmasked so we need to go", Anissa says helping Jenn up slowly.

Jenn quickly jumps up and runs over to Brandon.

"Uh Jenn, how are you not hurt, you don't have powers and you can't heal, technically you should be dead", Anissa says.

"Uh, I thought you'd be glad that I'm not dead", Jenn jokes.

"Oh I am, it's a blessing, I can't thank god enough, but you gotta admit that it's strange", Anissa says.

Jenn shrugs the comment off, and moves up close to Brandon, sweat drips down from his face. Jenn holds out her hand and wipes the sweat off. Brandon begins waking up.

"Jenn, where am I?", Brandon asks.

"You're safe", Jenn says, "we're safe".

Jenn grabs Brandon's hand and kisses it. Anissa walks over to Grace who has morphed into a tiger on the bed. Anissa slowly reaches to touch the tiger, as she moves closer one of the tigers eyes open. Anissa steps back away from bed. The tiger stands up on the bed and snarls at Anissa. Anissa takes a deep breath and walks over slowly to the Tiger. The Tiger continues growling, Anissa reaches out and touches the tigers paw, the Tiger snarls again. Anissa gets closer and puts her forehead on the Tigers nose. Suddenly the Tiger morphs back into Grace. Anissa smiles and looks Grace in the eyes.

"You are really brave to get this close to a Tiger, I could have bit off your face", Grace says.

"I was holding my breath, it would have felt like biting a brick", Anissa says.

"A sexy brick", Grace says.

Anissa chuckles and kisses Grace. 

"Ugh get a room", Jenn says walking over to wake up TC.

"We will once we figure out how to get out of this place", Anissa says walking over to Khalil.

Jenn taps TC. TC jumps up startled.

"Aye, calm down, you're good", Jenn says.

"Oh Jenn, you made it", TC says.

"Why is everyone so shocked that I'm alive", Jenn asks.

"No, I'm saying it because once the rockets broke the barrier on my force field, I put a smaller one around you to protect you since you didn't have powers, I just didn't think I was successful", TC says.

"Oh, Thanks TC, look at you looking out", Jenn says helping TC up.

TC and Brandon both stand up and stretch trying to shake off the pain. Anissa walks over to Khalil and puts on her gloves. She then begins shaking him to wake him up. Instantly his eyes open and he tries to grab Anissa's throat but Anissa grabs his hand. 

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