Chapter 21

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Freen walked slowly, she was carrying a bag and carrying a lunch box. Freen had come home from her school, not far from her house. On the way, Freen didn't look around her, she made the way home by looking at the road in front of her, she didn't want rocks or anything else to get in her way. She didn't want to fall, Freen took care of herself very well.

From afar, Freen saw the door of her house still closed, then she smiled subconsciously, slowly walking again. After arriving at the wooden door, Freen knocked on it softly, then opened it slowly, it wasn't locked, on purpose like that. Freen closed the door again.

Freen took off her shoes and tidied up the shoe rack. Now she put the bag and food box near the chair of her house. The house is not large, but divided into several rooms. Room, living room and dining room, and kitchen.

Freen stood in the middle room. On the dining table, she saw a lot of food for her, all neatly arranged, even the bowl of rice seemed to have just been placed there, the smoke from the rice cooker still wafting around. Freen smiled, she didn't say anything. Then her mother came from the kitchen, putting the soup that looked delicious. When mother realized that Freen had come home, mother smiled lovingly, she was happy that her daughter had returned from school, she said with her hand language, 'Freen, came here, Mother cooks a lot.' An atmosphere like today is rare, Freen usually only sees one or three dishes on the table, now there are so many, even Freen feels she will be full in three days.

Freen nodded, she asked back in that language, 'Where's Nam, Ma?' Freen was used to that language, like speaking in general, Freen seemed to know her mother language since she was born. She understood everything her mother said, Nam did too. The woman who looked young smiled before answering, 'She went out to play, will come back later.' Nam and Freen go to school in different places, sometimes they don't go home the same time. Hearing that answer, Freen readied herself to sit near the dining table, her stomach was very hungry.

It was silent, no one made a sound, Freen was used to silence. She even felt at ease, as long as her mother was home, Freen wouldn't go out to play. Talking to her mother she enjoys more than playing out there.

Freen slowly ate the food, she also took a sip of the very good soup. Freen felt happy just by all that. Freen's mother hasn't touched her food yet, she still sees her beloved child eating voraciously all of her cooking. She was very happy.

Freen looked at her mother, then said 'Mom, eat it. It's so delicious.' Freen pointed at all the food in front of her, she wanted her mother to join her in eating. Freen's mother nodded and smiled, she took the rice bowl and started eating it too.

When finished, Freen helped her mother clear the table, while her mother washed the dishes that had been used.

When everything was clean and tidy, Freen took out a drawing book from the bag, she wanted to make something. The mother always taught her how to draw and paint, even though Freen was already proficient without those teachings, she seemed to have this talent from birth. Freen made the sea.

Mother came close to her, watching Freen's activities. She just smiled. Her mother waited for Freen to see her, she didn't want to disturb Freen's time in working. Then after a while, Freen raised her head to face her mother, she smiled and said, 'How's it going Ma, is it good?' her mother's judgment was very important to Freen. The woman smiled sincerely, she gave a two thumbs up. Freen's mother is very proud of Freen's talent.

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