Chapter 9

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"Freen, can I see it?"



"Bec." A moment's pause, then Freen's eyebrows rose, her expression as if dumbfounded by Becca's sudden request, then Freen's hands covered her chest as fast as possible, she also held back the laughter at the corners of those lips, while saying, "You want to see my chest, Bec?" Freen's voice actually sounded as if she was surprised by Becca's request. Freen was so suited to be an actress, that look could seriously misunderstand.

"What? No!" Becca is shocked, without she realized she enters Freen's skit lines. Becca's body hurriedly sits on the bed, her hands move quickly, she denies Freen's words, "I just want to see the tattoo!" She felt herself not a lowly woman, she was Armstrong, a woman of honor.

Freen was still covering her chest, she was satisfied with Becca's reaction now. After a while, she couldn't hold it anymore, Freen finally burst out laughing, Becca was so cute with that face.

Becca was annoyed with Freen's attitude this time, she really wanted to see the tattoo seriously, she was very curious about how it would look. "Freen." Becca reprimanded Freen in a flat tone, this time she took back her words, she didn't want to see Freen laugh, if she was being laughed at. She doesn't like that.

Freen still chuckling, she slowly sat up and faced Becca. That joyful face was still imprinted on Freen's face, her facial muscles wanting to laugh even more. But when she saw Becca who seemed a little annoyed because of her actions, Freen tried to calm down, then when she was about to talk about Pieris, suddenly Becca's stomach growled. So loud.

Freen didn't want to laugh at Becca anymore, so she said, "Sandwiches?"

Becca nodded twice, her energy had run out from running this morning, she needed more food.


"This morning I met someone." Becca was sitting waiting for her Sandwich. Freen was making two Sandwiches in the kitchen.

"Hm? Who?" Freen is still focused on arranging the contents of the sandwich, there are several menus that he includes, all look healthy. Lettuce, egg, some sauce and bacon.

Becca sat facing Freen from the dining table, "Nop, he's in the same university as me. But I forgot what major he was majoring in."

Freen hadn't answered, now she was putting the finishing touches on the sandwich, she seemed to be paying a lot of attention to the tidiness of the morning's meal, finally done. Freen brought two plates of sandwiches to the table, one she handed to Becca, "Your fans?" Freen seduces Becca. Her smile looks like that.

Becca couldn't help but smile, the curve of Freen's lips apparently contagious. "No, I have no fans." Becca said.

Freen returned to the kitchen, she takes water for both of them to drink."Not one fan, but many fans, right?" Freen really knows this story, Saint always talks about Becca, whatever it is, including this fan problem.

Becca laughed and shook her head again, she didn't want to admit any of it, "Okay, maybe he's my fan. I don't know." Becca is still talking about Nop. "But I feel uncomfortable, he..." Becca thought for a moment, her hands busy explaining what she wanted to say.

"Byuntae?" Freen uses Korean to represent Becca's thoughts. Freen placed the water on the table, one near Becca's.

Becca laughed at the word, "No, he's not like that. But, I just," thought for a moment, then said again, "I don't like the sound of his voice." Now it seems that Becca made it clear what type of people she likes.

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