Chapter 20

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"Um, Bec." Freen said again, "There's one thing I haven't told you yet."

"What is it Freen?"


"Tell me, Freen."

"Uhm, Saint.. he.."

"Why Saints?"

"He's my brother."





Becca is still shocked by the news she heard earlier. Freen explained all about the conversation Saint's father used to have. Becca didn't expect Saint's father to cover up the sad news just to keep his power.

Now they are having lunch. Nam brought a lot of food from outside. And as usual, Freen could only enjoy the smell of the fatty food. For Freen, she is tormented when other people eat, while she only enjoys lean, healthy food, fruit and drinks only water. She's discouraged from drinking soda and good food, those are Freen's worst enemies.

Freen sighed when she saw Nam and Becca eating the food so tempting, it felt like she wanted to grab the chicken thigh and eat it behind the door. Freen had imagined it, she laughed to herself. Becca, seeing her new girlfriend laugh suddenly, finally asked, "What's so funny, Freen?" Becca's eating session stopped for a moment, she was surprised by the laughter.

Freen shook her head and smiled. Nam always buys her a salad for lunch, even though there's still a lot of food that people like her can enjoy, but what help, she's too lazy to drive out to buy food. In this city, Freen just enjoys the atmosphere of home and silence on the coastal rocks. Other than those two places, maybe Kirk's company and park is an option that Freen frequents with Minee and Nam. Freen rarely goes to the Mall or other tourist spots, she doesn't enjoy the city views.

Nam looked at Becca from earlier, she also smiled to herself seeing this pretty woman in front of her, there was something she thought and wanted to ask her brother's friend, then without hesitation she said, "Bec, you are very beautiful. You already have a boyfriend ?" Hearing this question, Freen choked on her salad. She was taken aback by Nam's question.

Nam looked worried now, then she gave Freen a drink, "Are you okay? Eat slowly Freen." Nam patted Freen's back, she didn't realize that her question was what made Freen like that.

Becca didn't know what to answer, yesterday she was very brave with everything she said. But when asked this way, Becca feels a lack of assurance. Since Freen didn't agree with what she said, even a head movement Freen didn't answer. So, this time she felt sad, apparently she also wanted to hear from Freen that they were in a relationship.

Nam seems to have forgotten the question she asked earlier, she was distracted by Freen's hiccup earlier. Then Nam changed the topic again, "Freen, the books are in the car. I'll take them out later, sign them please, I'll pick them up tomorrow." Nam doesn't realize that Becca doesn't know that Freen is the mysterious author.

Becca seemed confused by what she heard, then she looked at Freen this time, her eyebrows raised, what book mean? Freen, who knows what Becca said, can only smile. She could have replied with, oh, I'm the mystery writer Bec, or Srch Bec's Book, I'm the author. She could have answered it that way, but she thought she'd let Becca see it in person when he signed the books later. Now she focuses on filling her stomach with healthy food.

"Becca, you haven't answered." Yes, Nam recalled the question earlier. Though Freen was relieved when Nam was distracted earlier. She didn't expect her sister to have a high memory.

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