Chapter 13

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August 12, 2018
Pattaya Toll Road - Pattaya Hospital

"Yes Becky?" Saint answered his friend's call, while his eyes focused on following the black car in front of him, he didn't want to lose the car.

"Oh? Looks like I can't get there right now." Saint's car was fast enough now, because he had to overtake the two cars in front of him. A little risky, but he had to follow the trail of the black car.

"Yeah, okay. Later when I get home I'll call again." Saint heard Becky's reply, then replied, "No, I'll be home after this business. It won't be long." Saint knows where the people he follows are going, the man is heading to Pattaya Hospital.
The trip from his place to Pattaya is about an hour and a half using the toll road. So he thought he could see Becky tonight.

"All right. See you later." Becky hung up on it. Now Saint can focus his attention on his father's car, Mr. Shon.


Saint actually didn't want to follow his own father like this, but he suddenly had a feeling of suspicion, because his father always went on Saturdays to visit the hospital. He just wanted to know who he was visiting.

Saint and his father are very close. For Saint their family is perfect, a loving father and a loving mother. There was nothing lacking in this relationship, he was the only child.

Saint once used his father's car to travel, because his car had to be repaired. When he wanted to enter the location, Saint found something wrong. During this time, his father always visited the hospital, even though they had no connection at all with his father's foundation. With the time and day in the same location, Saint was curious. He couldn't find a reason why his father visited there all the time.

Pattaya Hospital

Before getting out of his car, Saint wore a black hat and mask. He felt compelled to cover himself up, even though he actually felt like a stalker. But what can be done, he did not want his father to see his presence.

Saint could see his father entering the hospital, he followed him quietly, but quietly, he acted normal, as if he wanted to see a patient.

Saint was so nervous now, he didn't know what to do if his suspicions were just vain curiosity. Maybe his father was visiting an old friend, or a sick boss. It could be like that. However, Saint had a different feeling, as if I had to follow father this time. And with that feeling , he followed his father's journey, even though he had a full schedule at lectures today.

Saint saw his father enter a patient room, it seemed that the door was closed now. Saint tried to approach the room, looking through the small clear glass on the door. He saw nothing. But he could tell what the patient's name was in the room, Mrs. Sarocha .

Saint chose to wait, he would not enter rashly. He planned to take turns entering after his father left the room. He thought it would take a long time, but his father left very quickly. Saint looked confused, his brows furrowed slightly under the cap.

After making sure his father was really home, Saint headed for the patient's door. He stood staring at the name on it, he had nothing to think about, he hoped all his suspicions were not true.

Slowly he opened the door, opening it little by little. He entered without permission, he seemed to forget about all these stages. After being fully in the room, Saint was greeted by the confused look of a middle-aged woman who was sitting reading a book.

Saint approached a woman who was almost the same age as his mother, Saint's face was really nervous but covered by the black mask he was using. Saint finally stood at the end of the hospital bed, he hoped that his sudden appearance in an all-black costume would not be shouted at by the mother in front of him.

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