Chapter Twenty- Four

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JJ's Pov:

"What was her suprise?" Derek asked Emily with a smirk.

"Sex." Emily replied.

I stopped in my tracks, and my face turned red.

Derek's jaw dropped a bit. He was in disbelief.

Everyone else's reaction was the same as Derek's.

"I-I- I didn't actually want to know..." Derek said, stuttering.

"Joke. I was joking." Emily said, looking at everyone.

"Hahaha," Elle said, still having a shocked face.

"Her suprise was something I've been missing for a while." Emily said, answering Derek with an actaul answer.

"What is it!?" Penelope asked.

I saw that Emily was hesitant to answer, so I changed the subject.

"I still have one more suprise for Emily, so if you would like to go sit down for me, Em." I said, motioning to the couch.

Tom sent me a message earlier when I was in the room with Emily, so all I have to do is open the door for him.

I headed towards the door and saw Tom standing on the porch.

I went outside so I could talk with him without Emily figuring out it's him.

"Hello, thanks for coming. Emily is currently on the couch talking to some friends. Her back is facing towards the door, so she won't see you, so you'll have to speak for her to turn around." I said.

"Sounds good." He responded.

We entered the house, and Emily was talking to Elle about something.

"Aww, that's so cute. You'll have to show me once we leave." I heard Elle say.

"Happy Birthday, Emilia." Tom said.

Emily turned around, realizing who was behind her.

"Tommy?" Emily said with tears in her eyes.

"Hello, Emilia." Tom said, getting teary.

They hugged, and Emily started to cry along with Tom.

"How have you been?" Emily asked, backing away from the hug and wiping her tears away.

"I've been good. Still working for your mother, how have you been? Do you like your work?" Tom replied, wiping his tears away.

"I've been good, I love my new job. I meant a lot of amazing people, the blonde behind you works with me and planned this whole party, everyone here also works with me except Rossi." Emily said, pointing at everyone and Rossi.

"David Rossi?" Tom said.

"Tom, good to see you again. I haven't seen you since I stopped working with Mrs. Prentiss." David said, standing up and shaking Tom's hand.

"So everyone here just happened to work with Emily's mom?" Elle said.

"Technically." Hotch responded.

"Where are my manners? This is Elle, my best friend. This is Penelope, our tech anylast, also our brightness. This is Hotch, my boss. This is Derek, the man whore. This is Spencer, 'Spence' or 'boy genuis' for short, also my fake little brother. And this Gideon, the dad of the team. You've already met Jennifer and Rossi." Emily said, pointing at everyone on the team.

"I'm not a man whore." Derek said suprised.

"I'm not your guys dad." Gideon said.

"Whatever you say, dad." Elle responded. Giedon looked at Elle with his scary eyes, making Elle turn away while drinking her wine.

"Nice to meet you." Hotch said, holding his hand out.

"Nice to meet you all." Tom responded.

*Skip ahead, idk how many hours*

"I think it's time I head home." Emily said, getting up from the couch.

The only people left were me, Emily, and Penelope.

Penelope was just waiting for Kevin to pick her up.

Elle left with Spencer since she got really drunk and couldn't drive herself home.

"Can you drive me home? Or can I stay at your house? since my apartment is kinda far." I asked Emily.

"Yeah, sure, let's go." Emily said.

"Remind me not to drink wine Rossi provides. I forgot how powerful they are." Emily said, opening the driver seat door.

"Are you even able to drive?" I asked, sitting down on the passenger seat.

"Yes, I may have drank two bottles of wine, but I'm amazing at drunk driving. Don't tell hotch I drunk drive." Emily said.

I giggled at the fact that Emily works for the government and drives under the influence.

"How do you drive good while drunk?" I asked, getting out of the car after arriving at Emily's house.

"I don't know." Emily said.

"You already know where the guest bedroom is, so just call if you need anything." Emily said, entering her bedroom.

My clothes from earlier are still in the restroom along with my go-bag, so I just changed into the pajamas I had.

*Skip to 8am*

I woke up to the smell of breakfast.

Since it was my first time in Emily's house. I walked down the stairs and followed the smell of food.

"Good morning, Emilia."

"Good morning, Jenny."

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Eggs, bacon, I'm working on the pancake batter." Sbe responded with.

"Ooo, can I help?" I said

"Yes, my arm hurts."

I started mixing the batter until I got the right consistency.

"Thank you for yesterday. I enjoyed my time and enjoyed my gifts. Espically cow." I heard Emily say.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time. It was hard keeping it a secret. It was also hard to convince your mom to let me in the house to look for Cow."

"Yeah, sorry you had to meet my mom." Emily said.

We where half way through eating our food when my phone started ringing.

"Yeah, we'll be right there."

"Whose with you?"


"I already called the rest of the team. I was going to call Emily next, but since you are with her, tell her we have a case." Hotch said.

"We have a case?" Emily said.

"Yeah, sadly. Guess we'll have to stop at a cafe for a second cup of coffee. It's going to be a long week." I said.

"Do you know where we are going to?" Emily asked while putting the dishes in the dish washer.

"Florida, couples are being killed." I said.

"Someone's a loner." Emily said, talking about the unsub.

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