Chapter Two

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JJ's pov:

Today is the day a new agent comes into our team. I wonder if they're a female or male. I really hope it's a female because I think we need more female agents to show off how much women can be just as powerful as men.

I want to look presentable for the new agent, so I need to pick out a good decent outfit.

After a couple of minutes of looking through my closet and cabinets, I finally settled on a white long sleeved button-up shirt, black jeans, and black boots. I brushed my hair since it's already straight and applied some light makeup.

I decided I'm just gonna head to a coffee shop for some coffee and a bagel.

I got to work around 6 a.m., and of course, no one is here yet besides Aaron. I decided to just sit in my office and go through some files to see which case we should take. By the time I chose a case, it was around 8 a.m. I heard some talking outside my office, so I decided to see what was going on.

I went down to where I saw Derek, Elle, and Spence all talking. "Hey guys, what's going on?", "There's a new agent," Spence said with a smile. "She's a woman too, so it's equal now.  Four men and four women." Elle said with a smirk. "Finally, more women in the department."

A couple of minutes later, I remembered that I had chosen a case, so I went back into my office and grabbed the case file, and headed to Aaron's office.

Right when I was going to open the door, the door opened, and I was met by a raven haired woman dressed in all black. She was muscular, a couple inches taller than me, very, very, very pretty and smelt amazing. "Oh, sorry," I said "N-no you're ok," the raven haired girl said, stuttering. "Jennifer Jareau, the communication liason. You can call me JJ if you'll like." I said, giving her my hand to shake. "Emily Prentiss, nice meeting you," She said while shaking my hand. Her hands were sweaty, almost like she was nervous, but you could tell that her hands were always soft.

"I'm sorry, but I have to talk to Agent Hotchner,"  I said while letting go of her sweaty hand. She stepped aside, and I walked into Aaron's office. "Morning, is that the new agent?", "Yes, Agent Emily Prentiss. I see you two had a little akward situation at my door." Aaron said with a little smile. "Yeah... umm I have a new case in Arkansa. Six women were brutally tortured and raped and left in a dumpster behind bars."

"Ok, we'll get the team and meet at the round table in five minutes." We both ended up leaving his office, and Hotch told the team to meet up at the round table in five minutes.

We all said are hellos to agent Prentiss and discussed the case. After we where done discussing everyone left the room I went to my office, and the team went to their desks. I started looking out my window and I saw that Elle, Derek, and Spence where all talking to agent Prentiss. She had a smile on her face. She has a good smile.

I decided that I wanted to go to the jet early so I grabbed my to-go bag and headed for the jet. I passed the new agent and I saw her glaring at me. I didn't mind because I did the same earlier.

On the plane I decided to get a move on before anyone else on the team. By that time everyone arrived. Agent Prentiss was laughing with Elle.

"Ok everyone time to get to work" after Aaron said that everyone gathered up where I was sitting and started going through reason why the unsub would kill those 6 women the way he did. "As I said earlier they where tied up and strangled by the way their wrist and neck looks like. It also looks like they where drowned in chlorine post mortoum and where shocked with electrical wires." Said Spence.

"Yeah but why did he chose those women? They have nothing in common. Two women are white three are hispanic and one of them is Muslim. They have no spouse, no kids, live alone." Said Derek, but apparently he left something out because Agent Prentiss started talking. "They do have one thing in common tho. All six women shopped at the same grocery store 4 days before they where murdered. I know it's a coincidence but the unsub could have seen them there and saw them as the perfect victim." Pretty and smart.

After a couple of talking later we where done talking and still had an hour until we land in Arkansa. Me and Elle decided that we'll talk a bit than sleep for a couple of minutes or so.

"So what where you and Agent Prentiss talking about earlier on the tarmac?" I know it wasn't any of my business but I just wanted to know what would make her laugh that much. "Oh I was saying some embarrassing stuff about Derek. I told her how he once fell on some milk a suspect dropped while chasing after him."  "Omg that was funny I almost started laughing but then I saw how angry hotch looked when he saw Derek fall on his face." We both started laughing at the memory of Derek falling face first onto the ground.

"Hey JJ, why do you call Emily 'agent Prentiss' and not Emily?" Elle asked, and to be honest I'm not sure why. I call everyone on the team by their name or a shorten version of their last name. "I haven't grown close to her to know if she's ok with me calling her Emily, and it's just me being professional." I knew it wasn't a good answer because when I first met Elle I called her by her first name and not last name. Along with everyone else in the team besides Aaron and Gideon. "Mhmm" Said Elle, "oh shut up."

After that I decided to fall asleep because I did wakeup really early today and I needed a fresh and working mind to catch the bastard who's killing innocent women.


Authors note; this is a short chapter but I just wanted to post jj's pov on Emily.

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