Chapter Sixteen

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Emily's Pov:

It's been 2 days since JJ's incident. We've been in LA for about 2 weeks, 4 days of the 2 weeks we've spent it here to keep JJ company in the hospital.

We rotated days to see who stays with her the night.

I didn't get a turn since mainly Elle kept winning, I was fine with it because I was forced into the challenge they had going on.

I was fine with everything until the last day of JJ being in the hospital.

Hotch had called everyone on the team to go down to the lobby.

"JJ is going to need someone to take care of her. Her doctor just called me saying JJ can't stay alone due to her injuries she can't do stuff alone. Now, a family member would usually take care of her, but since she's not necessarily close to either side of her family, she wants one of you guys to take care of her." After Hotch was done speaking, both Elle and Penelope raised their hands to try and take care of her.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner gets to take care of her." Penelope said enthusiastically.

They started playing rock, paper, scissors, and it was getting nowhere.

"This is going to take long, Emily. You'll be taking care of JJ." Hotch said, leaving.

My jaw dropped.

Penelope and Elle both turned around towards Hotch and said "Oh come on!"

"You didn't even sign up!" Penelope said.

I was still shocked by what Hotch had said.

I would've signed up to take care of anyone else, but since it was Jennifer, I didn't because I knew my feelings for her would only grow more each second of seeing her every day.

Everyone left to the hospital.

When we arrived, we went into Jennifer's room, and she was already ready to go.

"You need to sit down," Derek said, grabbing her hand and taking her back to the bed.

I should be the one holding her hand.

Not Derek.

"I'm fine, Morgan." Jennifer said.

"Sit your butt down." Derek said.

"Ugh," was all Jennifer said.

"Didn't know you had visitors. I'm sorry." The nurse said with papers in her hand.

"It's fine." Jennifer replied.

"Here are your release papers. Just sign down here, and you're good to go." The nurse said, giving the papers to Jennifer.

Jennifer signed the papers and gave them back to the nurse.

"Emily would be taking care of you back in Virginia, if that's alright." Hotch said.

Jennifer's jaw dropped a bit, but she nodded her head that it was alright.

"Emily, you would have the same amount of time off as JJ, but if we have an important case, you will be called." Hotch said.

I nodded my head and walked towards Jennifer to grab her hand to take her towards the elevators.

I grabbed her arm and put my other arm behind her back to give her support.

Jennifer put her hand on my waist.

My knees felt like they were going to melt because of her touch.

My stomach was doing knots, and my heart was going a hundred miles per hour.

Jealousy overloadWhere stories live. Discover now