Chapter Four

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JJ's pov (after landing from Arkansa):

Penelope invited us for girls' night, it's Emily's first girls' night with us. I wonder how she's like. I know she's a badass woman from what she did in Arkansa, but I wonder how she is. Like what does she like whats her favorite place.

I don't know what to wear, which is weird because I don't care what the team sees me in. Shit Elle has seen me in Pj's and with smudged makeup from my last breakup. But today was different. I didn't know what to wear. Maybe it's because of Prentiss? I mean, she is new, and I haven't gotten close to her to even call her by her first name. She's made me have this weird feeling in my stomach that I've never had with anyone else on the team. Something in my head keeps telling me that I should look good 24/7.

Crap it's almost 7 pm. I need to shower and choose an outfit. Ooo, this shirt looks nice... nope, no gracias. It's too showy. How about this one? Nah, there's too much coverage. Penelope's apartment always feels like a sauna. This one? Eh, yeah, I guess I'll choose this one it's alright. It's a blue, thin, v-cut long sleeved shirt. Don't know what I'm going to wear for bottoms, but I'll figure it out once I'm out of the shower.

It's already 7 pm, which is ok because I don't have to be at Penelope's until 8 pm. I'm eating a snack because there's no way I'm going to wait until I'm at Penelope's to eat. I ended up wearing the blue long sleeved top with some leggings.

I arrived at Penelope's first, which is not surprising because Elle gets ready at the speed of a turtle. Her driving, on the other hand, is like riding on a cheetah. "Hello, sweet pea!!", "Hello Penelope." I walked into her apartment, and I was right. Her apartment feels like a sauna, kinda regretting wearing leggings, but it is chilly outside, so I had no choice. "So Emily texted me earlier for my address, but she also said sh-", "She's not coming?" Great. I spent almost an hour trying to figure out what to wear so she wouldn't think I'm some ugly scum just for her not to come. " Don't interrupt me again, sweet peaches. What I was going to say was that she texted that she's going to arrive late because she has an issue with something at home."

Never mind. The one hour I chose getting ready was not a waste of my time. I wonder what Prentiss had going on at her house for her to be late? "Hey P, did Prentiss tell you the problem she had at her house for her to come late?" I don't know what I want to know she's not even my friend (not that I don't want her to be my friend) she's not even my girlfriend. I don't even like girls, so I don't know why that came across my mind. "She didn't specify what was going on."

"Oh ok." Mjnutes went by and no one else has arrived yet I've already helped Penelope with the snacks and drinks. "Hey P is there anything else you know about Prentiss? Besides her mom being the abssador?", "Ok well Ms.Noesy pants her birthday is Octobe 19, 1970, She has no dad from what I've seen on her facebooks she's had since she was 13. She's lived in almost all of Europe. Her last job was a desk job which I didn't expect because of how she handled the last case, she didn't even flinch with the pictures that where shown. I know her address but that you'll have to get from her. She's boat load rich. Which is not surprising giving her living in half of Europe and her mom being well..the abssador....why do you want to know stuff about Emily?" How do I answer that? What am I supposed to tell her? That I've been having this weird feeling in my stomach ever since im around her? "I just want to know if she's good enough to be on the team." I lied, I know she's good enough for the team.

Thank God someone knocked on the door before Penelope got the truth out of me. "Hello Garcia, am I the only one?" "Hello Emily!!" Crap it's Emily. Do I look good? Why do I care? I don't even like her like that. "No you're not the only one JJ arrived an hour ago. Elle isn't here yet she gets ready like a turtle."

"Hi Jennifer, how are you?", "Hmm oh umm I'm good and you?", "I'm good thank you." Crap I'm stuttering. Why am I stuttering? Why are my hands sweaty also? I swear they always get sweaty when Emily talks to me, or asks me a question. "Ok well... umm this is akward so how about we start to drink because I doubt Elle is going to arrive at any minute."

Penelope ended up being wrong Elle knocked on the door right after she finished her sentence. "Sup bitches, I have arrived." Elle loves to make her presence known by saying "I have arrived" in different accents, or loudness. "AYE! YOU GUYS WHERE GOING TO DRINK WITH OUT ME!", "In our defence turtle we've been waiting for an hour and ten minutes." Which is true I've been here since that time P told us to come add that with the time Prentiss has been here it's been an hour and ten minutes. "Ok well blondie, I was busy being on a call with Spencer."
"Someone likes Spence..." I said it in a very low voice because I don't want to have a bruised face. Apparently it wasn't low enough because Emily started giggling and trying to hold her laughter. Her giggle is cute. "What was that blondie hmm?" , "nothing."


"So Prentiss tells us more about you." Oh God I swear my mouth needs to shut up about trying to get to know more about Emily. She already told us one childhood story about how she had a dog but her mom gave it away because she didn't like dogs. That story made me not like her mom because who doesn't like dogs?
"You can call me Emily Jj, but um my mom is the abssador." I can call her Emily now. I like that.
"Oh sweets, I told everyone about that the day you walked into that elevator with me. Tell us something juicy you know like any bf ? Drama?"
Boyfriend? My face felt hot and I felt like throwing something I don't know why, but this feeling needs to go away. I don't like this feeling, It feels like I have a crush on her. Which is absurd because I don't even like girls. I don't even know why Penelope asked her if she has a boyfriend. It's really none of her business. Luckily no one looked at me so they didn't see how red I was.

"Well I don't have any gossip or drama because I'm new to the city. And I don't have a bf, they're really not my type to be honest." My jaw dropped. She's gay? How could I have not known? I mean Elle is gay well... bisexual but same thing. How did I not know Emily was gay.

"Finally another gay in the department. It was getting boring being the only bisexual on the team." Elle filled the loud silence in the room. "So no girlfriend?" Everyone's eyes were staring at me now. "Nope."
How does she not have a girlfriend? She's the prettiest girl ever. She's ligit the friend other friends get insecure around because she's the prettier friend.

I decided to change the subject and that's when I remembered what I was going to tell Penelope earlier at the BAU.

"Oh my God. See I told you Steve was a man whore." I never thought Steve was a manwhore he looks like the most innocent person ever.
"I swear yall are like my tias at a 5yr Olds birthday party." I was confused on what Elle meant by that, but she ended up telling me what it was after Emily finished laughing. I didn't know Emily knew Spanish.

"Ok well I have to go you guys it's getting late and I need to feed my cat. Thank you for the invitation." Damnit. Emily is leaving and I didn't get to talk to her I only talked to her for a split second which was when she wasn't even a conversation it was mostly an emmbarsing Hello.

"Oh my God you have a cat!?!? I would love to see him or her!!" P loves cats, if it was up to her she would have 100 cats. "Yes I do, and you can come and see him tomorrow if you'll like. Bye everyone see you guys Monday!"
"Bye Emily!" Everyone yelled a pit tipsy.

Me and Elle decided to stay at Penelope's house and help her clean up a bit, we mainly decided to stay because we didn't feel like driving and Penelope has some of our closthe at her house from plenty of drunk party nights.

To end the night off we drank some coffee (not to much because than we wouldn't be able to sleep.) I also put on twilight to help me get over some thoughts.

Penelope had two rooms in her apartment one which was hers and one that me and Elle slept in when we come over. "Hey JJ, I saw how you got red and angry when Penelope asked Emily if she had a boyfriend. Word of advice talk to her."
"I don't like Emily, Elle."
"Whatever you say blondie." The thoughts I had earlier are now back and stronger than ever. All I can think about was Emily.

I don't think JJ likes Emily, idk tho I could be wrong🤷🏻‍♀️

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