Chapter Seven

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Authors note: I decided I'm just going to put multiple pov's in one chapter instead of one each chapter.


Penelope's Pov:

I really, really, really need this new purse I saw lexie wearing last week! She told me she got it at Nordstrom. So you know I had to go get it.

I started looking around for the bag, and I didn't find it. But I did find so many cute clothes, mugs, jewelry, and this cute dog bed. I don't even have a dog, but I had to get it!!!

I ended up having the sudden urge to get a new dress, so I went upstairs.

"Oh my God, who's the special girl you're going out with!" I ended up meeting Emily.

"These dresses would look so good on you!! This color suits you so well, but this one is more vibrant and makes your eyes stand out. This one, on the other hand-"

"Penelope, this is just a dinner date with an old friend to catch up. It's nothing special. She's just a friend."
And she didn't dare to mention that to me?

"Well, you could've told me that before I chose 5 dresses and 10 undergarments for you to wear."

"Seriously?" What the hell did I do!

Emily was acting really strange, to be honest. She hung up on JJ just because I was going to ask for backup to help her out!

I ended up not buying anything, which is really surprising coming from me.

I saw this sale sign at this heel store, but JJ started to call me.

"Hello sunshine! What's up?"

"Hello Garcia, I was just wondering what the call from earlier was all about?" I totally forgot about the call from earlier

"Oh crap, I forgot about that call!!! I have some new smoking gossip about Prentiss! I'm on my way to your apartment. Have the popcorn and that show with the smoking hot, handsome man you had on last week!"

I did look through the heels store first and bought myself 2 new pairs of heels, these neon pink ones and neon yellow.

I arrived at JJ's house an hour after the call at the mall.


JJ's pov:

My phone started ringing in the middle of me trying to choose a good song to clean to.

It was Penelope.

"Hi JJ! Bye jj!!" It was Emily. What was Emily doing with Penelope? And why did she have her phone?

I decided to ignore whatever the hell just happened and clean.

The only thing I can focus on is why Emily called me from Pen's phone and then hung up on me immediately?

"Hello sunshine! What's up?"

"Hello Penelope, I was just wondering what the call from earlier was all about?"

Penelope ended up telling me she had some huge new gossip about Emily.

I was waiting for Penelope for an hour.

The only thing I was able to do without my thoughts rumushing all over the place was making popcorn and turning the TV on.

I stayed on the couch for an hour, wondering what new gossip Garcia had dug up on Emily.

Is she quitting? Is she pregnant? Wait, no- she can't be pregnant she's gay.


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