Soon enough, he reached his father's residence. The family was gathered in Sultan's living room. The atmosphere was deprived of mirth. Once again, his delusional mind searched for Nana in the gathering. She would have been of great help if she were to be alive.

    A resonating return to his greetings filled the place after initiating it. He sat beside his mother and Yasmeen on a three-sitter sofa.

   " Where's Mariya?" Emraan was the one who asked. " You were supposed to come here with her."

   " Wallahi, I have no idea." He answered truthfully. He didn't see the reason to drag the truth about.

   The hall went silent after that.

   " Me kace? What are you trying to imply? That you don't know where your wife is?" Sultan Lawal begged to differ. " How can you be so careless?"

   " We had a heated argument last night," Zayn began to explain, bringing up a hand to massage the bridge of his nose. " She denied the possibilities at hand. I spoke a bit inappropriately to her and woke up to her absence in the house. Her family knows nothing about her whereabouts. The guard said she left at midnight. There's still no trace of her. Abba, something tells me she couldn't have done what has been accused of her. She just can't."

   " Exactly," Sultan seconded Zayn's last statements. " She might have been framed or something, but disappearing without a trace will only prove the allegations to be correct. She's an attorney, and she's sure to know such."

   " Mariya couldn't have done such a thing. The reasons are not tangible enough. Her Masters? No. That doesn't sound like Mariya. Just do all you can to get her back." Mama Aisha would stop at nothing to defend her daughter-in-law. She knew for a fact that Mariya would never do such a thing. Almost the whole family seemed against her, and she wondered how Mariya was keeping it all up along with the loss of her child. She must be in so much pain.

   " I don't even know my stance on this. It's complicated." Emraan spoke.
  Yasmeen was still indifferent.

   Sultan heaved out a sigh. " This time, it will be hard to find her because she's hiding purposely."

   Zayn released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding when Yasmeen's hand found his own and gave it an assuring squeeze. They shared a brief smile before Zayn turned to his father.

   " We'll find her, In shaa Allah. If we do, we'll work things out before they get out of hand." He spoke before adding sternly. " The public shouldn't know about this."

   Saying so, he left them in the hall for an appointment with his doctor. Silence wound its way into the place following Sultan's departure, while the rest were left to gather their thoughts.
   Zayn's, particularly, was mayhem. He didn't know what to believe and what not to. It felt like he was entangled in an endless web of deception. One that held no advantage to him. He didn't know which burden to carry first. The loss of his child, or the issue with his wife. Once again, his subconscious mind nagged him that his wife did nothing wrong. Those thoughts were always accompanied by all the evidence against her. It was so hard to pick a side. The hollowness that followed her absence was another bout of mayhem.

   Someone's annoying voice broke his chain of thoughts. " So along with a golddigger, she's a murderer too. Talk of being multi-talented. She..."

   " Noora, if you don't shut up__" Mama Aisha's stern voice rang through the hall, urging the irritable blabber to shut up. " Let me not hear another word from you regarding Mariya."

   With Mama Aisha's intervention, Zayn didn't have to talk back at Noora. At this rate, her faith in Mariya had surpassed his.

   " You!" Sultan's sister directed her index finger at her daughter. " Get up and let's go."

My Emir ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن