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Sariling kawang gawa ang mapang yan

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Sariling kawang gawa ang mapang yan. Angas diba!

- P L A C E S  AND  S O V E R I E G N S -
Mevesian Empire
Emperor Levi Hill
Eunuch Erick Thomperhill
General Azil Evans

Laigania Kingdom
King Alpheus Wright
Queen Kaziah Wright
Prince Navin Wright
Prince Kevin Wright
General Ribo

Ceralia Kingdom
King Cornelius Ciceró
Queen Irah Ciceró
Princess Iris Ciceró
Prince Markus Ciceró
General Joseph Danilo

Herbachia Kingdom
King Darius Claudií
Queen Nixi Claudií
Crown Prince Asher Claudií
General Caleb

Zogolare Kingdom
King Amos Niel
Prince Cleopas Niel
Princess Cleopatra Niel
Princess Eve Niel

Inveria Kingdom
Queen Eleanor Harrison half demon
Prince Cyrus Harrison 1/3 demon
Andrey Ribo (First Son of Queen Eleanor on her First husband.)

Noiodia Kingdom
Queen Aurelia Galdire
Princess Ivy Galdire
Princess Amelia Galdire
Princess Daphne Galdire
General Orly

It was once a kingdom that belongs to the Mevesian Empire but has been conquered by barbarians and they started to live there.

A place rich in minerals such as diamonds, emerald and ruby but rumors has it that it's where devils live because of its thick evil miasma thus also known as devil's den. Though no one proves it yet.

A blessed place because of rich soil nutrients and all food resources of the Mevesian Empire are from here.

Mermaid Island
This is where Mermaids and Mermans lives and pearls are commonly found here.

Known as the place where centaur live.

Place where faires lives.

People there are rich in any Water Businesses and are expert in Water activities.

Famous restaurant in Broston

Roille River
A river that connects Ziortzia and Mevesian Empire.

Uulitin ko. Pindutin nyo yung star, tsk!

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