For him ~ Ch77

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

To say that Yuuji was confused when he gained consiousness on the rooftop of his hotel was an understatement. But even so, he didn't question it- or more like, he was forcing himself not to. Even if he did question it, I wasn't sure I'd have an answer for him. My mind was elsewhere, focused on the way Sukuna leaned in to my ear and whispered those words to me. His tone was playful and yet so full of promise. It drove me crazy.

Once Yuuji and I got back inside the hotel room, he took a shower and then was quickly wisked away by Gojo for training. Today I decided to take a day off from missions and training, opting to stay in Yuuji's hotel room and relax- something I hadn't done in a while. When I wasn't training or on a mission, I was usually researching into how I could seperate Yuuji and Sukuna. That usually involved a lot of trips to the jujutsu library and my domain explansion where I could talk to a few special grade curses that were knowledgeable in that area.

So far, I haven't found out much that could aid in me separating Yuuji and Sukuna. A curse said that the only way it would be possible is if Sukuna had his own body that he could transfer his soul and cursed energy into. But he did not. And so the only way it would be possible, was if we made him a body. And the longer I researched, the more I came to conclusion that a certain person would be really useful for that...

But today wasn't about working on seperating Sukuna and Yuuji, it was about rest and relaxation- which was really hard when all I could think about was that I had unleashed the queen of curses just a few hours ago. Sukuna had to knock me unconcious to get me regain control, which only made me overthink one the whole ordeal. Because that must have meant that I had done something that made him result to such drastic measures, right?

The overthinking drove me crazy, to the point I had no choice but to rip open my laptop and start researching into today's news. Surely, if something happened- if I killed or hurt anyone then the news would report it. I spent hours typing at the search engine, changing keywords and hoping it would give me more straightforward answers. But I came out with nothing, and that led me to the simple but unbelievable conclusion that Sukuna was right. I didn't hurt anyone.

After those few hours of intense research, I took a short nap and now woke up only an hour later to Yuuji as he groaned on his way into the hotel room. My eyes fluttered open slowly as I watched blurred figure trudge into the room sluggishly. I yawned as I turned onto my side, propping a hand under my head as I stared at Yuuji.
"Man, I'm beat! Gojo's been brutal lately now that the Kyoto events next week." Yuuji whined, faceplanting into the bed beside me.

I chuckled as Yuuji stretches himself out like a starfish, his groans muffled by the duvet his face was pressed against.
"He's worried the third years are going to snap you like a twig." I chuckled tiredly, my fingers threading into his hair. After my words, Yuuji perked up in fear, his wide eyes travelling to mine.
"H-huh? They can do that?" He asked me with terror in his voice, making me giggle with amusement.

"No, don't worry too much. The event isn't about us fighting each other, more about who can defeat the most curses." I explained, remembering the last time we done this event. It felt like a millennium ago, really. Yuuji sighed at my words, relaxing back into the duvet.
"Oh, good. That doesn't sound bad at all." He murmured with relief, making me smirk as an evil thought popped into my head.

"But..." I mused slowly, putting a single hand on my chin in fake ponder. The pinkette stiffened at my tone, hesitantly peaking up at me once again.
"I guess if you were to find a curse that a third year wanted to exorsise...they'd have the right to fight you for it." I told him, biting back my laughter as Yuuji paled with pure and utter panic.
"H-huh! Really?!" Yuuji gaped, making me finally burst out in giggles.

Blood-stained (Yuuji & Sukuna x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum