Vow ~ Ch28

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤



"Aww, come on! Please!"


"Pretty please?"

The amount of times (Y/n) has been saying no is starting to become incredibly ridiculous. And yet Yuuji continued to beg, no matter how pathetic he knew he must sound. Luckily, it was just Yuuji and (Y/n) left in the basement. Gojo had left on buisness and let the boy get to his movie watching training after demonstrating what to do.

It was only two hours later that Yuuji began to get bored and then began trying to get (Y/n) to hold the cursed doll and demonstrate her doing the exercise too. She had refused practically a thousand times but Yuuji didn't seem to understand what no meant.
"No, Yuuji." The girl replied tiredly, Yuuji frowning in reply. He didn't understand. It was a fairly simple task, especially for someone as strong as his girlfriend. So why didn't she want to do it?

"Why not? This is child's play to you." Yuuji argued childishly, holding up the doll in her direction as she shuffled towards the far end of the sofa. (Y/n) didn't reply, tired of saying no. She didn't look into Yuuji's eyes because she knew if she did, she'd give in instantly.
"Just humour me, babe...please?" Yuuji asked softly, a hint of sadness in his voice that made (Y/n) look up at him instantly. Damn it.

"Okay, fine. Pass it over." She sighed, threading her fingers back through her hair as she shuffled back to her original spot next to Yuuji with a glare towards the doll that was sleeping soundly within Yuuji's grip. Yuuji grinned with accomplishment, seeming happier than ever as his girlfriend held out her hands towards him.

Truth be told, he only asked her to humour him like this as a distraction. Sukuna's harsh words were starting to get to him. Sukuna spoke to him only 50% of the time. For the the other half, he was dead silent. The times that Sukuna usually spoke were when Yuuji was with (Y/n). Yuuji wasn't a complete idiot. He understood that there was something going on with Sukuna and (Y/n).

Sukuna already admitted to speaking to her while Yuuji slept. He wondered how long that has been going on for. Since day 1 perhaps? Sukuna even hinted to having seen his girlfriend's body. But whether that was just from Yuuji's memories or recently, he didn't know. All Yuuji knew was that he trusted (Y/n). And if she thought that conversing with Sukuna was necessary, then he'd agree. Maybe she would be able to get something out of him that they could use? Who knows?

Yuuji then passed the doll into (Y/n)'s ready hands, watching curiously. He knew that the doll would most likely stay asleep and that nothing interesting would happen. But he watched intently anyway. There must have been a reason that she didn't want to hold it. And there was. There were two reasons (Y/n) hated these dolls. Them looking creepy was only the first reason, and she guessed Yuuji would find out the second today.

The moment (Y/n) had both hands on the doll and began releasing her cursed energy into, the doll's eyes shot open and rolled to the back of it's head. It started convulsing, swinging left and right blindly with it's fists. It almost looked as it were having a seizure, aggressively attacking the air as it trembled and shook.

(Y/n) held it away from her face as it tried to punch and kick her from every angle, Yuuji watching with pure awe. His lips were parted in shock as (Y/n) threw the doll onto the carpet after a few more seconds, her face scrunched into dissapointment and also slight embarrassment. They both watched the doll get knocked out cold on the carpet imfront of them, the room now silent with tension.

"Happy?" She then asked him after a few moments, refusing to make eye-contact with Yuuji who in full honestly really did not fully comprehend what the hell he had just witnessed. The boy's lips parted, wanting to speak up. But he really couldn't, especially when alk he could hear was Sukuna's laughter at the back of his mind. It was unnerving- like he was the only one missing the joke.
"Woah...what just happened?" Yuuji asked hesitantly.

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