Sinister ~ Ch52

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

It was Junpei that started off the attacks, diving head first into battle against Yuuji. Yuuji happily fought back, seeming as if he was taking this as an opportunity to beat some sense into Junpei. Junpei summoned his shikigami, a jujutsu that I didn't know he could do. It seems Mahito taught him well in the span of only a few days. Junpei's shikigami looked like a jellyfish, large and gracefully floating in the air as it attacked Yuuji.

After Yuuji dodged Junpei's first few attacks, he send an attack of his own. Yuuji didn't know any jujutsu but his fist was just as effective- at least it would have been of Junpei didn't have his shikigami to take the hit for him. Junpei slid off the stage as his shikigami blocked the blow, now standing face to face with me. I was still stood beside the door, reluctantly allowing myself to stand out of Yuuji's way. He was closer to Junpei than I was, after all.

Untill now, I didn't realise that there would be an issue with Junpei recognising me. Only when our gazes connected and his eyes widened, I began to think of an excuse on the spot.
"(Y/n), is that you? Why are you here too?" Junpei asked on confusion, looking back and forth between Yuuji and I. I wondered if Jumpei mentioned having a girlfriend, was he connecting the dots?

"You're Yuuji's girlfriend, aren't you?" Junpei then mumbled in realisation, his features turning sour with betrayal.
"Mahito said that you understood. Was that a lie?!" Junpei that exclaimed, his voice full of hurt and pain. Junpei's outburst made Yuuji turn to me in confusion, his brrows furrowed.
"Wait, you know him too?" Yuuji asked in confusion, as I had a feeling he would.

"I met him a few days ago- just a coincidence." I told Yuujj calmly, making him nod slowly as he processed it all.
"Tell me, was it a lie?! Your friendship? Both of you!" Junpei cried out angrily.
"Neither of you understand! You're jujutsu sorcerers, so you never will. So just stay out of it!" Junpei yelled, ordering his shikigami to attack Yuuji once again.

I watched solemly as Junpei and Yuuji fought. I didn't want to fight Junpei, so I hesitated. I could tell that Yuuji didn't want to fight him either, his attacks were slower than usual- weaker. Junpei was his friend, and though I wouldn't call Junpei my friend- I think he deserved better than Mahito's manipulation. I've only met Junpei twice and very briefly, but neither times did he look this far gone.

Eventually, the fight broke out of the auditorium and into the hallways. I followed behind Yuuji as he threw punches at Junpei and his shikigami. Yuuji seemed angry at Junpei, his attacks were to let out his emotions. This wasn't something I should interfere in. This was personal for Yuuji. Eventually, Yuuji began using cursed energy againt Junpei, covering his fist in raw power only for Junpei's shikigami to block is effortlessly.

"I'll say it one more time. Stay out of this jujutsu sorcerers. This is none of your buisness!" Junpei yelled angrily.
"You don't tell me what my buisness is!" Yuuji yelled angrily, throwing another attack at the shikigami.
"What's the point, really...of saving indiscriminately? Don't overestimate the value of a life." Junpei seethed through clenched teeth, his eyes going dark as he clenched his fist. Now that response had Mahito's influence sprinkled all over it.

Before Yuuji could protest, Junpei ordered his shikigami to trap is in it's plasma. I didn't try to dodge, neither did Yuuji. The plasma enveloped us whole. My eyes glowed red the moment I was inside the curse, forcing it to recognise who I was. So, Instead of suffocating me like it was doing to Yuuji, it trapped me in a small bubble. This shikigami was a poison type, I could see it floating around me- seeping closer to Yuuji's form.

"Don't even think about poisoning Yuuji." I told the curse quietly, watching as the poison was retracted after my words. Yuuji didnt struggle against the curse, just watching Junpei speak through the clear jelly-like walls. I could still hear him speaking too- though barely.
"People always pretend their emotions are everything. But the heart is just the metabolism of the soul. It's all an illusion." Junpei spat bitterly.

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