Begging ~ Ch65

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"I think the hotel's somewhere around here..." I muttered to Yuuji as we walked through one of the busiest streets of Tokyo. After Yuuji's 'successful' mission, Gojo messaged us an address of a hotel that he'll now be staying at- most likely with the courtesy of Kento.
"There it is!" Yuuji suddenly exclaimed, pointing ahead at a tall building with a modern architecture. At least he would be staying somewhere nice.

Yuuji's pace quickened now that the hotel was in his sights, making me hurry along behind him. It was hard to keep up with his pace and I certainly didn't expect him to completely stop infront of the building's doors with a gasp, making me bump into his back ungratefully.
"Gojo!" Yuuji exclaimed excitedly, making my eyes widen as I looked up at him. He was leaned against the wall, waiting for our arrival, his foot propped up against the glass.

"Took you both long enough." The man joked as he pushed himself off the wall.
"Satoru." I greeted- more like acknowledged. He grinned as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"It's been a while." Gojo told us.
"Where have you been?" I asked him, almost accusingly. He was supposed to be our teacher and a teacher was not supposed to suddenly abandon their students.

"Oh, you know, around. Doing this and that." The silver head joked with a small chuckle, waving his hand as if it were all fun and games. I glared at him.
"We haven't seen or heard from you since you handed us down to Nanami. We're going to need more of an explanation." I told him with gritted teeth.
"Like I said, just this and that. Nothing notable." He waved off.

I rolled my eyes once suggested we head on inside. Yuuji didn't seem to mind at all, following him in with no objections in the slightest.
"This is where you'll be staying untill the exchage event." Gojo then announced.
"Yuuji, your room is on the fourth floor." Gojo continued as we walked over to the lifts, him fishing something out from his pocket. He pulled out a key card and turned to face us both.

"Here's your keycar- Oh, he's already gone." Gojo interrupted himself after seeing an empty space beside me where Yuuji once stood. The boy had impatiently dashed the moment Gojo revealed which floor he was on.
"He'll be back once he realises that he needs a key." I chuckled, Gojo joining me. I imagine Yuuji is already halfway up the staircase by now.

"So, how have you been, (Y/n)?" Gojo then asked me as we continued to make our way through the hotel, now both opting towards the stair case as that's where Yuuji has gone up from.
"I heard you made up with Megumi." The man spoke hushedly as if he were gossiping, nudging my shoulder.
"Yeah. It took a while but Yuuji gave me that final push that I needed to face him." I told the man.

"I still blame you, by the way. For making me keep this secret." I added with a glare. He tilted his head with a sigh.
"It only matters to me that Itadori is alive. Blame me all you want but you know it's safer this way." Satoru told me pointedly, with that tone in his voice that sounded like he was boasting of his smartness and knowledge. I sighed and rolled my eyes, not commenting on his words.

"I've been meaning to ask you something, Gojo." I began, my features turning hard. His eyes darted to mine.
"Gojo? This must be serious." The man said and yet continued to chuckle.
"Ask me whatever your little heart desires." He then added teasing, making me bite the inside of my cheek.

"Since I've known've tried your hardest to ensure that I don't curse your blood. Why is that?" I asked him slowly, making Gojo stop walking. His eyes widened ever so slightly but he was quick to hide the flicker of emotion.
"What a random question." Gojo commented with a chukle, sounding quite forced in my opinion. I stopped walking and faced him with squinted eyes, making him sigh.

"I just wanted to see how long it would take you to accomplish- and it took you eight years. That's quite embarrassing, (Y/n)." Gojo lied, chuckling as he forced himself to continue walking. But I did not follow, narrowing my eyes.
"You're lying." I accused with furrowed brows. I have never seen him lie so directly to before.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" Gojo asked with a snicker as he turned back around, taking everything as a joke.
"Your heartbeat." I told him truthfully, making him scoff loudly.
"Wah, you control hearts now too? You've improved, (Y/n). Props to Nanami." Gojo grinned, making my littlest bit of patience ware thin.

"Actually, I felt the vibrations of your heart against your blood. Stop deflecting the question, Gojo." I snapped.
"I don't know what you're talking about, (Y/n)." He lied again with a sigh, preparing himself to walk off. But before he could I activated my cursed energy and held him in place by his blood.

I watched as his teeth clenched as his dace contorted into one of anger.
"Let me go, (Y/n)." He seethed, looking more and more uncomfortable as each second passed. But I did not. I kept him in place and walked closer to him.
"Tell me the truth." I demanded.
"I did." Gojo hissed, again lying.
"Then why do you look so on edge, right now?" I asked him with a glare, waiting for an answer.

There was something about the way he looked right now. The look of a man going through something he's been through before- and absolutely hates.

"Gojo-sensei! I need a room key!" I then heard Yuuji yell as he hurriedly hopped down each step. I quickly realised Gojo once I caught sight of Yuuji's pinnk hair. Gojo reacted with ease, slipping the room key out of his pocket again as if he weren't detained by his own blood a mere few seconds ago.

"I tried tell you but you ran off too quickly." Satoru chuckled as her handed Yuuji is keycard for his hotel room. I glared at Gojo's back once Yuuji dashed for the stairs again. Once the boy was out of earshot, Gojo turned and muttered to me something that I'd never forget.

"Tame your curiousity, (Y/n). I guarentee you will not like any of the answers you're searching for- and this is not me threatening you...I'm begging you."

(A.N ~ Oh my.)

Chapter 66 Quote Teaser :

"It's just...I want to know her better and I feel like learning about her clan is the first step."

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