A bit Selfish ~ Ch9

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

It wasn't long before I heard Yuuji's alarm go off in the bedroom. By now, my call with Kento had ended and I had just finished re-wrapping fresh bandages across my arms. I heard Yuuji groan with exhaustion, his morning voice making a fine appearance. Waiting patiently, I listened as his soft footsteps padded against the carpeted ground all the way to the living room door.

The boy opened it with another groan, shielding his eyes with his arm from the sunlight as I had drawn all the curtains to admire the view that he was blessed with by living in this apartment. This apartment originally belonged to Wasuke Itadori. And though it wasn't modern, it wasn't old either- however he had always liked to decorate the rooms in a way that made it seem older than it was.

"Hey, you weren't in bed when I woke up." Yuuji frowned, his husky vocie sending chills down my spine. It always caught me off-guard and yet I had to pretend it didn't effect me in any way.
"Yeah, you know it takes me longer than you to get ready. Not everyone can wake up with their hair all perfect like that." I chuckled as he plopped down onto the sofa beside me before laying his head on my lap, letting me mess up his perfect morning hair.

Yuuji smiled tiredly in response, squishing his cheek against my thigh so that he could rest his head while being able to look up at me easily.
"(Y/n)..." Yuuji started to say softly, making me hum in response as my fingers threaded through his hair.
"Gojo spoke to me yesterday." He told me, making me freeze my motions on his head. Nervously, my eyes flickered down to meet his.

"Satoru? Did he tell you everything about your...situation?" I asked him, making sure than I chose my words carefully. I didn't 100% know whether he knew about the execution. Knowing Gojo, he'd spring it on him at the execution date.
"He gave me a choice...to die now or later." Yuuji admitted quietly, us finally talking about the things we couldn't bring ourselves to say yesterday night. It was only first thing in the morning for him, and for him to immediately want to talk about this shows how much it had really been on his mind.

I sighed at his words, closing my eyes at Gojo's bluntness and letting my head fall back against the wall. This was all becoming more and more real with each passing hour...and I hated it.
"Of course he did." I sighed in frustration, knowing Satoru could really be too blunt for his own good sometimes.
"He said he wants my answer by the end of today." Yuuji muttered, looking up at me with doe eyes that made him look helpless.

"I'll take you to him after we visit the hospital then." I replied, trying not to let my emotions get in the way. This was Yuuji's choice to make, not mine. And if he chose to get executed now, I'd burn the building down untill there's no sorcerers left to carry out the execution.
"Thank you." Yuuji said softly, his eyes difting down into an empty gaze.
"(Y/n)?" He then called out, capturning my attention immediately.

"Yeah?" I asked him, brushing the loose hair strands off his forehead.
"...What do you think I should do?" He asked me hesitantly, probably knowing that that was a cruel question to ask.
"Well...I'm a bit selfish, Yuu. I don't want you to die at all." I whispered with a light forced chuckle, trying not to let my voice crack to hide my emotions. But even though I managed to keep my voice leveled, a tear cascaded down my cheek.

Yuuji looked up at me in both awe and panic, finding it concerning that even now I was smiling through the fear and sadness. Yuuji sat up immediately, pulling me close to him so that my haid laid against his chest. I wasn't sobbing, still attemtping to hold my cries back. But even then, more tears just silently slid down my cheeks as Yuuji held me. My breathing hitched an uneven as I tried not to break down.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, feeling guilty for being the first to cry when he hasn't even cried himself. It was his life that was getting forever changed, not mine.
"Don't b e sorry. It's just...I've never seen you cry before." He mumbled into my hair, pulling me in tighter against him.
"That's because I didn't think it was possible to lose you until now." I replied sadly, making him frown also.

"You will never lose me, (Y/n). Never." Yuuji assured, kissing my temple gently.
"I hope not...because I don't know what I'd do without you." I chuckled softly into his shirt, making him huff in amusement. He was about to reply, when he was rudely cut off by a certain curse's mocking words.
"Cut the sappy bullshit. You're making me gag." Sukuna told us, speaking through a mouth that suddenly appeared at the back of Yuuji's hand. I scoffed and pulled away from Yuuji, too glare at his second pair of eyes which were indeed open and stating right back at me.

"Must you always ruin the moment?" I hissed with a hard glare, making him laugh loudly in response.
"From now until the end of time." He replied with a cocky grin, making Yuuji slap his hand out of annoyance, the mouth disappearing immediately.
"Sorry about him." Yuuji rold me sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. I sighed and shook my head, standing to my feet before saying,

"Come on, get dressed. We're going to the hospital."

(A.N ~ The next chapter is gonna be your favourite. Trust.)

Chapter 10 Quote Teaser :

"I'm sorry to hear that. There's a few curses in the basement, maybe you could check down there for your friends?"

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