Ruin ~ Ch40

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

I sat with my back pressed against the headboard, gasping as silently as possible. My eyes were clenched shut as tightly as I could but even with my eyes closed all I could see was Sukuna. All I could feel was Sukuna. I still felt his breath against my neck- his hands against my bare skin. His grip was rough and if I weren't in his domain at the time, his touch would have probably left bruises.

"Hey, are you alright?..." A voice asked me, snapping me out of my haze. My neck snapped to the side, my eyes instantly drawn to the pink haired boy sat by the window. Yuuji. How long had he been sat there watching me 'sleep'? The boy's innocent eyes were locked on mine, looking very concerned with his slightly furrowed brows drawn in. I gulped as I forced myself to nod. He couldn't know what just happened. It would kill him.

"Y-yeah...yeah. I'm fine." I mumbled with a breathless smile, brushing my fingers through my hair to make it more neater.
"(Y/n) don't have to lie to me." He mumbled pleadingly, sensing that something was wrong. I smiled nervously as I looked up at him, shaking my head as if he were being silly.
"I'm not." I chuckled softly, making him sigh in dissapointment. Was I not believeable enough?

"Babe, I may be an idiot most of the how I never knew about your nightmares or that you weren't sleeping. But I've watched you nap just now looked so scared." He explained worriedly, making me look down at my lap with guilt. He was right. I was scared. Because of Sukuna. Sukuna was right, I did eventually fear him.
"And when you went to take your nap, Sukuna went silent. I don't know if the two are related but..." I looked up with suprise as I watched Yuuji connect the dots, my soul plummeting to the ground. Again, Sukuna was right. Yuuji was starting to suspect something.

"Yuu, I'm honestly fine." I forced myself to laugh out, but this just made Yuuji even more frustrated with me.
"You don't need to push yourself so hard anymore, (Y/n). We can protect eachother now!" He exasperated, makinge freeze in place. He sounded so passionate as he stood to his feet, staring at me with begging eyes.

"I wish that were the case, Yuu." I whispered weakly, my eyes glazing over with tears. I wish I could tell him everything. But he would hate my ideals. He would hate me. And I really don't think I could handle that. There are some things that only I can deal with. There are some things that only I would sacrifice to protect him.
"Do you think that I'm not strong enough to protect you?" Yuuji asked weakly, seeming hurt by my words. I instantly perked up to object.

"That's not it, Yuu! It's just that some things are better left up to me." I defended softly, making him sigh and bite the inside of his cheek. I watched him in silence for a few moments after that, looking at him hesitantly as he started down at his feet intently.
"Okay." He said after a while, making me furrow my brows with confusion.

"I'll trust you to handle some things alone as long as you promise to leave other things up to me...and the rest, we can do together." He told me with determination in his eyes. I pursed my lips together and nodded in agreement, making him smile tiredly before sitting on the edge of the bed. The pink haired boy then looked over at me sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as he attempted to hold eye-contact.
"Can we cuddle now?" Yuuji then asked softly, making me smile lightly while nodding.

Yuuji grinned excitedly as he jumped under the covers. Only now did I realise that I was also under the cocers when I distinctly remembered entering Sukuna's innate domain from ontop of the covers. Yuuji must have covered me when he came into the room. I slid down so that my head rested on the pillow, Yuuji mirroring me and laying in the exact same position. I then laid my head above his chest, him wrapping his legs around me and pulling me in closer.

The pinkette tucked his chin into my hair and wrapped his arms around me with a content humm. I closed my eyes blissfully, feeling his warmth through his shirt as well as his heartbeat against my ears. Yuuji held me for a few minutes after that, the whole room silent. The only thing we could hear were our own breaths and the beats of our hearts. I felt content like this, but only now I realised something was wrong with Yuuji. He held me like I would slip away, like he was trying to become lost in me by how he pulled me in closer and closer to him.

"(Y/n)..." He mumbled quietly, his tone of voice different from what it was a few minutes ago. Yuuji seemed more vulnerable now and I had no idea why. I hummed in reply with concern, tracing patterns around his clothed chest.
"I think I...murdered someone today." He admitted quietly. My heart began beating heavily in my chest and everything started going in slow motion. Did he just say what I think he just said?
"W-what?" I stuttered out shakily, lifting my head to look up at him.

"We fought these...things today. Apparently they were human...and I killed them." Yuuji explained sadly, seeming broken up about it. This has probably been on his mind since he came back and yet I didn't notice at all. How selfish could I be?
"But Nanami said that you didn't find the curse?" I questioned in confusion.

"We didn't. We found some things that used to be humans that the curse created." Yuuji explained quietly. Mahito's puppets.I understood what Yuuji was feeling now. Mahito's puppets were human, but they were long dead before Yuuji came and put them out of their misfortunate misery.
"Yuu..." I mumbled with a pitied sigh, scooching higher on the bed so that we were face to face on the pillow.

"They weren't even curses...but I killed them. They didn't deserve that." Yuuji told me, regret in his voice.
"You didn't know." I consoled, interlocking my fingers in his hair and playing with the strands to make him feel better- to calm him down.
"I hate curses." Yuuji said suddenly, making me stop my movements quickly. I froze. Freezing was better than reacting and I could not react. That would be bad for everyone.

"They ruin everyone's lives." Yuuji spat out bitterly. I inhaled sharply, clenching my fists and painfully biting the inside of my cheeks. Curses ruin everyone's lives? Only because we created theirs first. I wanted to defend them- to snap. But I couldn't allow myself to do that. But I had to say something- anything at all, even if I didn't mean any of it.

"I'm sure we'll find the curse responsible." I forced myself to say, not commenting on his admittance.
"I'll make it pay." Yuuji promised with determination, making me nod slowly. I wasn't sure if Mahito and Yuuji would ever meet, but I'm sure Mahito would lose. Yuuji's sheer will was stronger than most jujutsus I've ever seen. Before Yuuji could say anything else, a knock at my bedroom door caught both our attentions.

"Yes?" I called out, letting Kento know that it was safe to come in, which he did with a very hesitant glance to the bed.
"Come on, you two. Kiyotaka is waiting downstairs with the car." Kento informed.
"Whers are we going?" Yuuji asked curiously, us both sitting up slowly.
"To a briefing. New information has been obtained concerning the hideout of the curse responsible of theatre incident as well as information about a boy who is suspected to be working with the curse who could possibly be a curse user." Kento told us, making my eyes widen.

They found Junpei Yoshino.

(A.N ~ Hope you enjoyed! Vote & comment! Thinking of doing a q&a soon?)

Chapter 41 Quote Teaser :

"I will slap you."

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