Playing Dirty ~ Ch48

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Ebullition - The action of bubbling or boiling

¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

The next morning, Yuuji and I woke up more refreshed and relaxed than ever. We even awoke before Nanami did, bright and early at 8.30am. Usually Yuuji and I would have to be forced out of bed but today, we were full of energy- of course, not for any particular reason or anything. The both of us had a shower before deciding to attempt to make breakfast together, which was basically just Yuuji handing me the ingredients because Yuuji is the last person you'd want in charge in a kitchen.

"Good morning!" I greeted to Kento as he walked into the kitchen. His brows furrowed in confusion when he saw Yuuji and I wearing aprons, me with a spatula in my hands. He had rub his eyes to make sure that his tired was not seeing things. Yuuji looked up from his plate the moment he heard me speak up, him having already been served.
"Morning, Kento-dude!" Yuuji exclaimed with a full mouth, waving to Nanami as he hesitantly took a seat at the kitchen island.

"Did you let him near my eggs?" Kento asked with a raised brow, completely serious. I couldn't help but laugh at his concern, shaking my head in reply.
"No, I made your share myself." I consoled as I slid his plate infront of him before continuing to serve myself.
"Good. I wouldn't even trust Itadori on the buttering station." Nanami grumbled as he took a bite of his toast. I giggled, deciding not to mention that Yuuji really was on the buttering station.

Yuuji whined loudly at Nanami's words, muttering childishly about how sad he was to know that everybody had so little faith in his cooking skills.
"It's okay, Yuu. I know you can do the craziest pancake flip." I chuckled as I filled up his glass of apple juice before sittinh down beside him. That's when Yuuji's chest puffed out with pride, his confidence returning to him swiftly.
"Yeah, I can!" Yuuji boasted with a cheesy grin, making me chuckle.

"So what's on the agenda today, Ken?" I asked my dad who seemed to have almost finished his eggs already.
"I have to have a progress meeting with Kiyotaka in an hour and then I have to hunt down Gojo." He told me as he took a gulp of his juice. My brows furrowed.
"I'm hearing a lot of 'I's and not 'we's. How about us?" I asked him with a long frown, Yuuji not even seeming to have heard anything as he demonstrated how to flip the perfect pancake to nobody in particular.

"I'm leaving the two of you to focus on combat training today." Nanami told me.
"Really? By ourselves?" I asked him with suprise, him nodding in response.
"Yes, I imagine that you can handle the task of leader for today?" Nanami suggested, filling me with pride.
"Of course. I just didn't expect that you'd trust the responsibility of being the sensei to me just yet." I told him truthfully.

"Well, I do. I trained you myself, so I know you can handle it." Nanami told me, making me smile and look towards Yuuji in hopes that he heard all that too.
"Babe, we can finally spend the day together!" The pinkette gasped in realisation, finally paying attention to the conversation at hand. I grinned and nodded, excited for this rare opportunity.
"I trust that the two of you won't slack off." Nanami told us, mostly looking at Yuuji.

"We won't, Sir!" Yuuji exclaimed loudly, saluting Nanami as if he were part of the army. Nanami nodded as he took the last bite of his toast, seeming to accept Yuuji's honest and devote answer.
"Good." He muttered lowly. The kitchen then filled with a confortable silence as we all finished the rest of our food, me and Yuuji sending eachother excited looks- the both of us impatient for the rest of today. It was rare that we be able to spend so much time together. A blessing now.

After Nanami had finished his breakfast and gotten appropriately changed into his suit, the man departed from the apartment. He bidded farewell by patting me on the shoulder and ignoring Yuuji's wave. I wondered if Nanami would ever warm up to Yuuji. Probably not. Once Nanami closed the front door behind him, Yuuji turned to me with a cheeky grin and a formal salute.
"Sensei, what shall you have us do first!?" My boyfriend exclaimed formally, his legs together as he straightened his back to salute.

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