Void ~ Ch60

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

My eyes flickered open hazily, my surroundings still blurry even after blinking multiple times. For a second there, I wondered what happened and why it felt like I was outside. But then I felt the wet grass between my fingertips and what felt like fire in my veins and it all came rushing back to me. I gasped, shooting up from the ground into a sitting position, turning my head left and right until I located Sukuna who had sat cross legged at the peak of the hill he must have warped us onto.

"And so she awakens." Sukuna mocked, not even turning back to face me.
"Where are we? Did I lose control?" I asked him with wide eyes, all my questions coming out one after the other in pure panic. Sukuna didn't seem fazed by my panic, not in the slightest.
"No, you lost consiouness." Sukuna replied boredly, making me sigh in releif.
"What a relief." I mumbled, letting my self calm down just the slightest.

Sukuna whipped his head around to face me with a glare, clearly not at all happy with my sudden relief.
"No, not a relief. You were out for an hour. That was time wasted." Sukuna told me, motioning towards the sky. The sun had just ever so slightly started to rise, hints of red in the sky.
"Now stand, we'll start again." Sukuna demanded, standing up him self. I shook my head immediately in denial, refusing to go through that again.

"No, I can't." I refused, pushing my body back so that I slid back against the grass as Sukuna took a step forwards towards me with a raised brow.
"My apologies, did that sound that a question to you?" Sukuna asked me sarcastically before continuing to harshly seeth through clenched teeth,
"Allow me to rephrase. Get. Up."

"Is this what you call training? This is tourture!" I burst out angrily.
"Tourture that will prevent you from turning into the queen of curse when it is not convenient." Sukuna replied back with a strong glare, seeming not to appreciate my sudden energy to argue.
"And how much longer will you make me do this untill you are satisfied?" I cried out, watching as he stepped closer again.

"Untill you can handle every last drop of my cursed energy, and still be human- still in full control." Sukuna told me. My eyes widened. Was he serious? I could barely absorb his excess energy without faltering, let alone all his cursed energy.
"Then what?" I asked him, trying to hide the slight fear in my voice.
"Then we train you as the queen of curses, untill we can refer the two of you as the same person- untill you have full control." Sukuna told me.

"Then you'll be the perfect weapon." Sukuna grinned, seeming to have already planned everything out.
"Now stand." He then commanded again, this time with less patience.
"No, I need a break!" I fought, making him look at me with obscure eyes.
"Did I not just give you a break?" Sukuna asked with confusion, getting annoyed.
"I was unconcious!" I exclaimed defensively, Sukuna not understanding the point I was making.

"And?" He asked, not seeing the issue.
"I need more time." I begged, looking him in the eyes with a pleading look. Sukuna's lip twitched angrily, before he released a loud angry sigh and sat back down. He sat cross-legged again, his lips pursed with frustration.
"You're really testing my patience, Little (L/n)." Sukuna hissed, running his fingers through his pink locks.

"I'm guessing you've never been a sensei then?" I asked rhetorically, knowing that Sukuna would never have mentored anyone like this back in his time. I've heard the stories- multiple actually. Sukuna scoffed in offence, instantly proving me right without the need to even say a single word.
"Back in my era, if people were not strong enough then I'd kill them on the spot- another reason why you should consider yourself lucky with how leniant I've been." Sukuna told me, as if I should be grateful.

I rolled my eyes at his ludicrous words.
"I'm sorry to inform you that you don't have that luxury here." I muttered. He was bound my multiple pacts now that forcsd him not to kill or hurt any one.
"Clearly." Sukuna scoffed, motioning to me as if he were saying that I'd be dead if this situation happened back in his era.
"I guess the stories about you that the academy taught me really are true." I chuckled to myself.

I've heard more about him than anyone, by my mother and by jujutsu high. Both accounts of him different, and yet he lived up to both of them. Sukuna's eyes flickered to mine after I spoke, clearly having and peaked his interest.
"And kind of stories have those wretched jujutsu sorcerers told you that seem to be true?" Sukuna asked daringly.
"That you thought yourself a king. You had supporters and people that would have died to please you. You did not have patience nor compassion and used any and every excuse to kill an innocent person." I told him simply.

"But?" Sukuna prodded, knowing that there was soomething else.
"But my mother taught me differently. The stories had more meaning." I told him, making him squint at me.
"Such as?" He asked curiously.
"My mother believed that since you were born of hatred, you only acted upon it because you knew nothing else. It was in your nature." I spoke softly.

"She believed that you lusted to become a curse to fill the void in your heart." I told him truthfully, Sukuna seeming confused as I went on.
"The void?" Sukuna asked me.
"A pit in your heart that could only be filled with happiness. She thought you became a curse because you knew no other way to fill that void." I told the man, making him scoff with pure offence.

"That's absolutely poposterous. Quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Sukuna tried to laugh it off but it was clear that all he felt was disgust.
"Then why did you become a curse?" I challenged him, tilting my head.
"Power." He replied immediately.
"And why do you crave power?" I asked.
"Because..." Sukuna paused, wanting to blurt out an answer but clearly having no idea what that answer was.

"You've been chasing power for so long that you don't even remember why anymore." I commented softly, making him sneer angrily, his glowing crimson eyes filled with hatred and fury.
"Shut up! What do you know?!" He snapped, now completely on edge.
"I think you crave power because without that goal to become stronger, you feel as if your life lacks purpose. In the same way I aim to protect those I love because without that mission, I am nothing." I told him.

A second later, Sukuna was standing and I was suspended in the air with his hands around my throat. He was furious. Livid. I'd really done it now. The curse squeezed around my neck so hatd that I'm sure it'll leave bruises.
"I've been very lenient with you, pet. But if you continue to piss me off like this, I might actually kill you." He hissed into my ear, warning me.

"You can't." I choked out, my hands holding onto his arms for balance as tightly as I possibly could.
"You made a p-pact with Yuuji. You can't kill anyone, not even me." I croaked out, probably not the wisest choice of words. Sukuna sneered as I proved him wrong, his grip around my neck tighening as he suddenly pushed a wave of intense cursed energy into me. I was forced to absorb it, my veins feeling like fire was running through them.

I shook under his grip, my boody trembling at the sheer raw power he was so mercilessly pouring into me. I cried out in pain and agony, my grip on him losening as I saw stars. The power started to feel good and it took all of me to fight against forcing him to give me more. Through hazy eyes, I saw my veins turn red, climbing my arms like vines.

And then for the second time tonight, everything went black.

(A.N ~ Oh you guys are going to love me next chapter :)

Chapter 61 Quote Teaser :

"We made a pact, remember? One where I get one minute to touch you how I please...and I'll be using that minute to put you into your place."

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