Dreams ~ Ch32

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"Well, I'm off! Wish me luck!" Satoru exclaimed, saluting to the three of us as began to turn and head for the exit.
"Are you going to your meeting now?" I asked him curiously, walking closer to him as I spoke up. Satoru turned on his heel to look back at me, stopping his advances towards the door.
"Mhm. Though, I might make a pit-stop for food on the way." Satoru told me cheekily with a small grin which made me scoff with amusement.

"So that you can be late and piss of Gakuganji?" I asked rhetorically, knowing already that that was exactly what Satoru had planned. His growing grin only confirmed my question.
"Aw, (Y/n)! You know me so well!" He cooed, ruffling my hair proudly which only made me roll my eyes playfully before fixing my hair. That's when Satoru saluted again. However instead of turning on his heel and heading towards the exit, he simply warped away.

I sighed before turning back to Yuuji and Kento, them both standing beside eachother in silence. Yuuji seemed uncomfortable while Kento seemed bored. This would be a long day.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked Kento as I walked closer, full of energy and optimism. That's when Kento fianlly looked at me, giving me an unimpressed look that made my brows furrow with confusion.

"Nothing for you." Nanami replied bluntly, making my lips part in protest.
"Huh?! What? Why?!" I exclaimed defensively, betrayal in my tone. He sighed at the fact that I was upset, now taking a step closer to me with his crossed over his chest.
"(Y/n), how long has it been since you've slept?" Kento asked me with a rasied brow. I hesitated at the question, not knowing where this suddenly came from.

"W-what?" I asked hesitantly, my brows furrowed. How could he suspect when I haven't given him a reason to suspect? I haven't been yawning and I am not slacking off due to exhaustion. So how on earth did he know?
"How long, (Y/n)?" My adopted dad repeated impatiently, his brows raised. While Yuuji on the other hand looked more than just confused, unable to figure out what was happening.

"I slept today...Right, Yuuji?" I replied hesitantly, looking over at Yuuji in hopes that he would back me up. We did get out of the same bed (sofa) this morning, after all. For all he knew, I did sleep.
"Y-yeah...Yeah, she did. We went to bed pretty late and woke up kinda early, so we didn't get much sleep though." Yuuji explained, making me look go Nanami again. I gave him the 'see?' look. He looked less than convinced, rolling his eyes as he looked back towards Yuuji.

"You've been in a relationship with my daughter for three years now and you still can't tell when she's lying?" Nanami asked Yuuji with a dull tone. My eyes widened at his words, confusion written across my whole face, Yuuji's expression mimicking my own.
"W-what? She's not lying? We went to bed together and woke up together." Yuuji defended, confusion evident in his voice. The fact that he tried so hard to defend me only made me feel guilty.

Nanami shook his head in dissapointment with a loud sigh before turning back to face me, giving up on Yuuji. I gulped as we made eyes contact.
"Tell me the truth, (Y/n)." Nanami sighed, raising his brows as he demanded a truthful answer from me. I bit the inside of my cheek as I searched through my brain. Technically I slept yesterday before Sukuna had woken me up. That wasn't a lie.

"Yesterday evening." I admitted slowly, internally begging him not to ask me how long I slept for- because then he wouldn't count it as sleep.
"And how many hours did you get?" Kento then asked, maming me internally groan. He asked the one question that I didn't want him to ask. I could try to lie to him again, but he seemed to see through that. I could say 3 but that would also be a lie, those two hours that I was in Sukuna's domain did not count because my soul wasn't at rest, it was with him.

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