Kyoto ~ Ch73

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

Sukuna has never hated promises more than he did today. The king of curses had only made this one promise in his whole entire life and he already knew it would be his last. He wasn't even sure how he was convinced into making such a commitment. Sukuna didn't even remember thinking on it, he just said yes. But why did he agree when he was getting nothing in return?

The king of curses spent roughly ten minutes, warping across the whole of Japan to look for (Y/n). He warped to the highest places possible, looking down at the city with furrowed brows. He wasn't really sure what he was looking out for. Choas? A river of blood? He honestly had no idea. All he knew was that it has almost been 15 minutes and in that time, (Y/n) could have killed half of Tokyo.

The sun was close to rising and the sky was beginning to turn a firey red. In at least two hours, Itadori would wake up and Sukuna would lose control of this body. He needed to find (Y/n) and correct whatever havoc she had caused within that time. Sukuna kneeled at the top of the Kyoto tower with a sigh, his eyes flickering around every building in Kyoto.

After a few moments of witnessing absolutely nothing, he stood to his feet and prepared to warp himself once again to a different part of Japan. That was, until he saw a bright flash of red. His head tilted to the side as he kneeled once again, his eyes narrowing at where he saw the commotion. It was only untill he saw another flash that he warped down to that particular building.

When he had warped down, Sukuna realised that he was stood at the roof of a hotel. It was darker and colder down here, the already dim rays of light from the sky being covered by the surrounding buildings. Sukuna cocked his head slightly, looking around the rooftop for any sign of life. It wasn't long until he found what he was looking for, connecting eyes with a pair of red ones. But that wasn't the only pair of eyes he made eye-contact with.

He wasn't suprised to see (Y/n) was straddled ontop of a weak human, the human's wrists and neck bleeding into a glistening pool on the floor. The human was scared, too scared to scream- that or he'd been screaming aimlessly for a while and had lost too much blood to continue. Sukuna sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Come on, pet. Kyoto of all places?" The curse asked the girl as he came closer. Sukuna really hated Kyoto. It was always so dark and damp. (Y/n) hissed venomously at the use of the word 'pet', glaring daggers. Sukuna raised a brow, becoming amused at her reaction.
"Oh? You don't like being called pet, do you?" Sukuna asked with a chuckle.
"Human you is so much more accepting." The man then sighed.

"What? You want me to degrade you like a whore? Are you into that? I can do that." Sukuna teased, enjoying himself very much. (Y/n) hissed again, sounding angrier by the second- long forgotten the human man who had passed out beneath her. Sukuna had succefully taken her attention off her victim, and now he just needed her to walk away from the human.

"No? Praise then?" Sukuna mused, flacing a hand on his chin as he thought about it, cocking his head to the side.
"Want me to call you sweetheart and tell you how pretty you look covered blood?" Sukuna asked her with a grin. The queen of curses didn't hiss this time, simply watching him carefully as blood dripped down her cheeks. Sukuna took that as a yes, chuckling softly. Her clothes were drenched in red, blood sprayed across her face too. Sukuna really hoped that didn't mean that the man beneath her wasn't the first victim.

"Oh, you like that one." Sukuna grinned with amusement, beginning to then clap his hands loudly, smirking wickedly as he took another step closer.
"Okay, sweetheart, whatever you want. Today's all about you." He told her. Again, she didn't reply. Sukuna was starting to think that she didn't know how to speak. All she's gone so far was give him silence and hiss like an animal. Speaking of animal, she seemed to have ripped into her prey like one too- gashes all over the man's body.

"I see you've found yourself a little human toy." Sukuna calls out, making (Y/n) giggle. She lowered herself down to the human man, her eyes connected with Sukuna as she took a long slow lick of the blood that was drying across his neck. Sukuna would be lying if he said that didn't make him painfully hard. But he didn't focus on how turned on he was at the moment, instead focusing on how (Y/n)'s cursed energy seemed to quadruple as she swallowed remants of that human's blood.

Sukuna chuckled darkly, impressed with this new power of hers.
"Blood play? I think I could be down." Sukuna told her, his tone of voice deeply entertained. Sukuna used his sharpest nail to drag down the side of his neck, drawing as much blood as possible. He fought off his reverse technique, refusing himself to heal, instead letting as much blood as possible slide down his skin. (Y/n) watched as if she were entranced- hypnotised even.

He waited a while but she didn't make her move, staying still from her position kneeled above that same dying human. Sukuna began getting impatient.
"Come on, sweetheart! You know my blood tastes much better than any lowly human." Sukuna prodded, trying his best to lure her away from her prey. He could tell she was hesitating, her eyes contemplating and flickering between Sukuna's blood on the drying blood on the human beneath her.

"You don't believe me?" Sukuna asked her, saying it as if he were hurt. The man then slid a finger down his neck, slowly and teasingly before bringing it up to his mouth and smearing it across his lips. Sukuna lightly licked his own lips, tasting the metalic blood without grimacing at the favour. He hummed in delight, baiting the Queen of curses to sneak a taste. And he was happy to see him plan work, watching as she slowly climbed off the human and made her way towards him.

"That's it. Come to me." Sukuna smirked, opening his arms wide in welcome. It took a while until (Y/n) was right infront of him. But when she was, she came ever so close, admiring the blood across his neck. She leaned her head in after a while, nipping at the flesh for a sneak taste. Her cursed energy soared from just that one taste, and it was then that she knew she had to have more. She dived in, licking and lapping at Sukuna's neck for as much blood as he coukd offer her.

Sukuna grinned, pulling her in closer. His eyes closed in bliss, it having been a while since someone gave him so much attention. So admittedly, Sukuna let himself enjoy it for a while. His fingers dug into (Y/n)'s hips, keeping her in place. He didn't think she noticed in the slightest, too focused. She lapped up every drop and smudge from his neck to his jaw and eventually caught sight of the blood smeared across his lips. Sukuna smirked as her eyes met his.
"Have at it." He replied with a smirk.

So (Y/n) launched herself up at him, smashing her lips with his. It was a hungry kiss, full of want and need. Sukuna grinned against her lips, welcoming her into his mouth as she tasted every hint of blood there was to taste. Sukuna pulled her even further against him, feeling the outline of her body slam against his. He had to urge to slither his hand between their bodies and fuck her with his fingers- but he controlled his urges by simply gripping onto her hips tighter.

Once (Y/n) had collected every possible slither of blood off Sukuna's lips, her mouth attached itself back to his neck to lap the new droplets of blood creeping out of his wound. By every second that passed, her cursed energy doubled- so much so that Sukuna knew he had to put an end to this while he had the chance. He had been getting distracted from the real task at hand.

"Okay, sweetheart. I think it's time for a nap." He whispered into her ear, before pressing his fingers against her temple and knocking her unconsious. Sukuna lowered (Y/n) to the floor slowly, draining her cursed energy as he done so, watching as she turned back into her human form. Sukuna huffed with amusement as he looked down at her, gently brushing a few strands away from her foreheard before saying,

"You're dangerous, little (L/n) more ways than one."

(A.N ~ Vote and comment!)

Chapter 74 Quote Teaser :

"I didn't know you were into blood play, pet. Maybe we should let the brat know? You know, add a little red to his vanilla?"

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