Baby Sitting- TNT Duo 😊

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Plot: Quackity and Wilbur are babysitting Wilbur's foster brother, Tommy, and his friend, Tubbo, and it makes Wilbur realise something.

Third Person POV.

Quackity bounces back and forth slowly in an attempt to lull the small child in his arms to sleep. A small smile spreading across his lips at the soft snoring escaping Tubbo. "Naw, I'll never get over how good you are with kids," Wilbur muses from where he's flopped down across the couch, a little blond toddler Tommy passed out, laying across his torso.

"I'm really not," Quackity insists as he walks to Tommy's room, Wilbur hoisting himself up with Tommy in his arms. Quackity carefully lays Tubbo down on the spare mattress on the floor, the small boy grabbing for his Minecraft bee stuffed animal in his sleep. "They're just so lindo," he says with a smile, looking at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah, maybe Tubbo is," Wilbur grumbles. Quackity turns to see Tommy's hand tangled in Wilbur's hair, hanging on even in his sleep, pulling the much taller man down. Tommy's left foot on Wilbur's shoulder, making Quackity giggle at the sight. The lilting noise escaping his boyfriend's lips making Wilbur smile a little too.

"Here, hold on," Quackity says as he carefully moves Tommy's hands out of Wilbur's hair and leg off his shoulder.

"He's a menace," Wilbur complains as they walk back to the lounge room.

"You're the one that agreed for us to baby sit," Quackity points out. "And he isn't that bad. He's just a niño pequeño,"

"A devil kid," Wilbur mumbles, sitting back down on the couch. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Not really," Quackity tells him as he curls into his side with a yawn. "But you can watch something, solo dormire aqui,"

"Okay, baby," Wilbur says into Quackity's hair, kissing him and grabbing the remote control, pulling Quackity closer.

Quackity is quickly lulled to sleep by the dim lights and white noise of the TV. The warmth of Wilbur beside him making him feel safe.

As Wilbur watches the movie, his eyes are drawn to his lover, his relaxed features making him smile. The memory of his boyfriend with his foster brother making his heart swell.

He sees something move out of the corner of his eye. He quickly looks to the doorway between the living room and the hallway, seeing a small dark figure standing there. Menacingly.

"Quackity," Wilbur says as he shakes him awake, the movie credits playing on the screen. "Quackity,"

"What?" Quackity asks groggily, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Quackity..." Wilbur whispers seriously, his eyes trained on the doorway between the hallway and the living room. "It's here,"

"What?" Quackity sits up. "What's here?" He whips his head to where Wilbur is looking, seeing pouting, sleepy little Tommy. "Hey, what's wrong?" Quackity asks, rushing over to the small boy and squatting in front of him. The soft voice Quackity uses making Wilbur's heart nearly explode. "Estás bien?"

The toddler just pouts harder, wrapping his arms around Quackity's neck and hugging him, the sight causing Wilbur's heart to bubble with warmth. Quackity stands up, holding the boy to his chest, a smile on his lips as he turns to Wilbur. "Sh, sh, sh. You're okay, estas bien, I got you," Quackity mumbles into Tommy's shoulder comfortingly as he bounces softly back and forth.

MCYT Oneshots [Pt. 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin