Sherlock and Watson -TNT Duo 😊

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CW: hand to hand combat

Plot: (I'm really digging into an old obsession for this one-) Wilbur Sherlock and Alex Watson, better known as Quackity, have been teamed together for the past year and a bit when Wil is taken by some guy in the middle of the night. Big Q takes it upon himself to find the older man with his experience in the military (which Wilbur very much "adores") and his skills as a doctor. (This will be a part of a direct scene from an episode from Sherlock)

(When I say adore I'm referencing a joke in the johnlock fandom about how Sherlock has a military kink so obviously I'm using that)

Quackity's POV.

I walk down the small alleyway, turning left and right, trying to find where the fuck Isaac Whitney is. The taller arches along the path revealing a hooded figure at the end. As I adjust my jacket I walk towards the man at the end. "Isaac Whitney, you seen him?" I ask, not really wanting to deal with a petty criminal's bull shit.

He pulls out a small, very pathetic excuse for a knife. "I'm asking if you've seen Isaac Whitney, and now you're showing me a knife," I tell him, genuinely so fucking done, "Is it a clue?"

He uses the knife to gesture to his left, staring at me very awkwardly, obvious he's trying to be intimidating. "Are you doing a mime?" I ask, scoffing.

"Go," he urges me, "Or I'll cut ya,"

"OoH, not from there," I say, shaking my head sarcastically, "Let me help,"

I walk forward, his eyes widening in fear. I stand close enough that if he wasn't as much of a pussy that he CLEARLY was he could lunge forward and stab me.

"Now concentrate," I tell him, purposefully in a demeaning way, "Isaac Whitney?"

"Okay, you asked for it," He tells me, not making any move whatsoever to attack me, but obviously trying to intimidate me.

I use my fire warm to smack his hand that's holding the knife to the side and I use my other hand to grab his wrist, pinning him to the wall next to us. Grabbing his throat to further secure my hold on him and I pull his knee out of lock with my foot, making him buckle onto the floor as I twist his wrist.

When he hits the floor I grab his now discarded knife and point it at his throat and ask "Are you concentrating yet?"

"You broke my arm," He whines, looking up.

"No, I sprained it," I correct him, looking around to make sure that no one heard or was coming.

"It feels squishy," God could he be any more pathetic. It's just a sprain. "Is it supposed to feel squishy? Feel that!" He tells me, reaching out his arm.

"Yeah, it's a sprain," I tell him, grabbing his arm and throwing it back down, "I'm a doctor, I know how to sprain people. Now where is Isaac Whitney?"

"I don't know!" He tells me, pretty clear that he does. I give him a death stare and he continues "Maybe upstairs,"

"There we go," I say slapping the side of his shoulder twice, "Wasn't that easy?"

I stand up and turn around to see Wilbur standing in the hallway behind me, smiling with a nearly mental grin. "Now it's really sore!" I hear the pathetic excuse for a criminal call out as I walk towards the taller male, "You're mental you are,"

"No, just used to a better class of criminal," I say, not even bothering to turn around as I run to Wil, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Naw, did someone miss me?" He asks, hugging me back.

"You're a Real fucking idiot, you know that right?" I tell him, pulling away to look up at him, his arms still around me.

"Yeah, but you still came to find me, so you obviously love me," he says looking down at me and tilting his head slightly to the right.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I tell him, leaning up and connecting our lips gently.

I pull away and open my eyes, scared to see his reaction. His eyes are wide and his face is red, with his lips parted slightly. He blinks a few times and looks as if he's just woken up as he leans in, kissing me again.

I pull him tighter around the neck, pulling him to my height, making him bend down. The feeling of his lips on mine euphoric to say the least. He pulls away asking "How long have you been wanting to do that for, ducky?"

"Too long," I whisper, pulling him back into a kiss.

Ahhhhhhh I have covid and I'm so tireeeeddd and boreeeedddd and I have motivation to do pretty much everything I really shouldn't do considering I have preliminary exams in like two weeks of which imma be away in New Zealand for and I now have covid for

So like


Enjoy :D

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