New Rules- DreamNotFound 😊 💋 ~

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CW: friends with exs, second chances sort of, small bit of spicy

Plot: George tries to be friends again after a drunk call from his ex, Dream.

George POV.

One: Don't pick up the phone

The vibrations on my bed side table waking me up slowly. Groggily I reach for the small screen and see his name. Just before I can answer I remember my rules that I've set for myself. Don't pick up the phone when he calls. He's probably just bored or drunk or something.

What if he really needs help though?

I slide the green phone icon on the bottom of my screen to the right and hear his voice. The tone sending chills down my spine. "Hey, I didn't think you'd pick up, love,"

"Neither did I," I mumble quietly. "Why'd you call?"

"I miss you," He tells me, his words slurring slightly.

"You should've thought about that before you were an asshole, Dream," I scold him, already feeling my self control waining at his sad tone.

"Georgie, please," He pleads. "I've changed. It's been so long since I've seen you, I swear I've changed,"

"What do you want?"

"You," he answers quickly. "You and only you. You've all I've ever wanted. Even just as friends. I want you in my life. And I hope that you picking up means that some small part of you wants to give me another chance. Please. I don't care what that chance looks like. Just let me back into your life. Please,"

I think for a second. Long and hard. More than a small part wants to give him another chance.


Two: Don't let him in

"You okay?" Dream's voice asks softly from behind me. The professor in front of me rambles about something that I can't bring myself to care about.

"I'm fine, Dream," I mumble, focusing my eyes forward.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks carefully.

"No, not really," I tell him, writing whatever was on the board into my note book. "Just some stuff is bugging me. But we'll talk about it after class, 'kay?"

"If you insist," he says, leaning back into his chair, sounding skeptical.

The class continues and Dream leaves me alone for most of it, occasionally kicking the back of my chair. After the lecture is over I stand up and wait for Dream to finish packing his things so I can talk to him.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he turns, his laptop and pencil case being shoved into his backpack.

"I just...I missed you a lot, and now you're back in my life as a friend, but it's still..." I take a deep breath. "It's like you aren't here," I stare up at him, stepping closer. "It's like there's this wall and I can't reach you through it, not even as a friend,"

"I know," he tells me quietly, not moving. "How about...How about we hang out this afternoon! Just us two," he suggests reaching his hand out and holding my elbow, a beat before he continues. "As friends, of course. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything,"

"Yeah...yeah, that'll be nice," I smile up at him.

Three: Don't be his friend

"You're such an idiot," Dream chuckles, leaning his head back and resting his forearm across his eyes. The weight causing the cushion on the back of the couch to sink.

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