Memories- Karlnap 😊

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CW: reference to war

Plot: When you kiss your soulmate for the first time all your first kisses with them from past lives come back

Sapnap's POV.

"Oh as if! I could beat you in a fight," Karl tells me, leaning back on my bed and folding his arms.

"Uh huh, sure, bud," i tell him, rolling my eyes in disbelief. "I'd love to see it,"

"Okay, fight me then," Karl stands up and holds a sloppy fighting pose, making my heart swell at how much of an idiot my friend is.

"Okay," i tell him and get up. "Ready?" I ask and he gives me a quick nod.

Before he can move, i wrap my fire arm around his neck so he's twisted, with his back against my chest. "That's so unfair!" Karl pouts, cross his arms, still in the head lock. Right enough to keep him there, but lose enough that it doesn't hurt him.

"How? You said you were ready," i counter, taking my grip off of the taller boy.

"Yeah! But you're so much more experienced than me," he pouts and I raise my eye brow at him. "Whatever,"

He flops back onto my bed and I walk past him to get some water from the kitchen. When I come back Karl is still sitting on my bed, crossing his arms and pouting, not looking in my direction.

"Naw, poor baby grumpy?" I ask, a condescending tone in my voice as i walk over to where he is. Placing the cups that i collected on the bed side table.

But before I can fully sit up again, i feel someone's arms wrap around my waist and I'm flipped onto the bed. Karl beside me. "I win!" He shouts excitedly.

"I wasn't ready, hot stuff, it doesn't count," i tell him.

"Okay, you ready now?" He asks and I give him a skeptical nod.

And before I know it he's straddling my hips, his body weight keeping me down. I start to move Karl off of my legs with my hands, moving his thighs up trying to get him off, but he grabs my wrists and holds them above my head so I can't move him. "I win," he smiles sweetly, leaning in to rub it in. My face on fire at the position and the proximity.

"Yeah, you win," i admit breathily, his face inches away from mine.

"Yeah, i win," he says, his voice just as breathy as his eyes glance down.

I look down at his lips quickly before looking back up to his eyes and I see that he's moved closer. The air thick around us as he moves even closer, my arms still trapped above my head.

"Sapnap," he whispers, his eyes not looking away from my lips.


And before I know it his lips are on mine, the air stops and swirls around us. The feeling of being sucked into a vacuum by my chest.

"You're an idiot," i tell the boy across from me.

Tall golden grass surrounds us, the breeze blowing softly. Our bikes discarded next to our picnic blanket as we lay on the ground. "And yet you're my best friend," Karlos counters, leaning up on his elbow too look down at me, closer than I realised.

"Yeah, still an idiot though," i say as Karlos' hand reaches out and cups my cheek. The bright clue sky clear and hot in the summer weather. It's not like physical touch was out of the ordinary for us, it's just it's never felt this intimate.

"Your idiot," he whispers, his voice low as he glances down at my lips.

"Lucky me," i say before pulling him down by his neck and kissing him, a giggle escaping his lips.

"What was that?" Karl asks, waking me up from the daze of memories, his eyes wide.

"I don't...did you see the same thing as me?" I ask.

"I saw us...but we looked different? And had different names? I think? And it was us in a meadow? I don't know, it was so fast," Karl explains, climbing off of my lap and sitting cross-legged and looking at his hands.

"Does that mean...we're soulmates?"

"I think so, yeah," he tells me, looking up and smiling at me.

"Fuck yeah," i whisper quietly before reaching over to him, and kissing him again, the same feeling as before coming over me.

The loud bang of bombs and fire arms echoing through the otherwise silent night. "You okay?" I hear a soft voice ask from beside me, the scratchy uniform uncomfortable as ever.

"What? Yeah," i tell Kayden, my best friend who was previously asleep in his cot.

"You're allowed to not be okay," he tells me as he gets off his cot and sits next to me on my own. "It sucks that we're here, and no one would blame you for not being okay,"

"Yeah...i don't think I am okay," i tell him as i pull my knees up to my chest.

"That's okay," he says, moving to right next to me, his hand on my arm. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," i tell him, leaning my head against the wall behind me.

"Do you want me to stay here or do you want me to go back to my cot?"

"Please stay?" I ask him, turning to look at him.

"Of course," he tells me, smiling sweetly, leaning his head on my shoulder.

We sit like that for longer than I'm willing to admit, the soft dusk of morning creeping across the dimly lit room. "Kayden?" I ask lift my head from where it was resting on top of his.

"Yeah?" He asks, also lifting his head, the distance closer than I was expecting.

"If...If we don't make it out of this..."

"Don't say that, we're making it out of this," he tells me, his almost calloused free hand cupping my jaw.

"Yeah... but if we don't," i tell him, leaning into his touch. "I want to tell you...that..." i start, but the words are caught in my throat, avoiding eye contact as much as i can. The sound of sleeping of the other soldiers sleeping around us the only noise.

"That?" He urges.

"That I...Kayden, i think I'm in love with you," i tell him, looking up. "And I don't expect you to feel the same, and if it makes things weird between us that's okay, i just needed you to kno—" i start, but I'm cut off by soft lips on mine.

"I think I'm in love with you too, idiot," he whispers as another soldier stirs.

"Damn, we're fucking adorable," Karl says after I pull away.

"Fuck yeah we are," i agree as he starts to giggle.

The rest of the night is filled with kisses and memories coming back, the countless times we've had our first kisses together. The giddiness we feel better than any other feelings we've felt before.

Best day ever.

I don't know what that is and I'm sorry.

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