Show-Mance- Dreamnotfound 😊

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Plot: George and Dream are in the musical Newsies together as Kathrine and Jack. George doesn't mix work with romance, but would it really be so bad if he did?

Third Person POV.

There's hundreds of actors and dancers alike, warming up. Vocal runs and stretches fill the hall as they wait for their names to be called. George's hands sweat as he looks around at the pretty young girls also seemingly trying out for the same role as him.

Before you tell him, he knows that guys don't typically play female roles, but he's always loved the 'Newsies' musical, and his range seemed to fit perfectly for the roll of Kathrine. His agent had called the director and they said that it would be fine that he wasn't a girl, as long as he was good enough, he would get the roll.

"Hi," a tall man with shaggy blond hair says, making George jump.

"Oh— Hello," George says skeptically. "Can I help you?"

"Sorry, yeah, I was just wondering what roll you're trying out for?" He asks, the kind smile on his lips making George soften.

"I'm auditioning for Kathrine," he tells the man. "And you?"

"Jack, actually," he chuckles. "Good to know broadway is becoming more open," George nods in agreement. "Sorry, I just find talking to someone helps with my nerves, but you don't look nervous at all,"

"Oh no, I am absolutely shitting myself," George admits, making the man beside him cackle. "Like, look at all these pretty girls, man. Why would they chose a British, gay, little twink with a soprano vocal range, when they can have miss America over there," George points to a girl that looks like she was made for this role, her dark red hair cascading down her shoulders.

"I dunno, I would chose you if I was the one casting," he shrugs as he looks down at George, his unwavering gaze making George blush. "I'm Dream by the way," he extends his hand out for George to shake.

"George," he tells him as he grips Dream's hand.

"George!" The stage hand calls from the end of the hall. "George Davidson?!"

"I've got to go, I'll see you later," George tells him before quickly walking to the other side of the hall.

As George walks onto the large stage, he's never felt more small. The director sits on a seat in the middle of the theatre, a microphone on the desk next to her. "George Davidson?" She asks, looking down at a piece of paper.

"Yeah, that's me," he confirms.

"My name is Caroline, but you can call me Puffy," She tells him. "And I understand that you'll be trying out for the roles of Kathrine and ensemble?"

"That is correct," he says.

"Perfect," she writes something down. "You can start whenever you're ready,"

"Hey, George!" Dream calls after George leaves the auditorium, the tall man jumping and dodging all the stretching dancers on the floor.

"Hi, everything okay?" George asks.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if I could have your number?" Dream says simply as he comes to a stop, directly in front of George. Making the brunette have to look up to be able to hold eye contact. "I'm not like— making a move on you or anything," Dream assures. "Not yet at least," He jokes quickly, making George roll his eyes. "I just thought you were cool, and wanna get to know you better, even if I don't do the musical with you,"

"Yeah, of course," George smiles, quickly giving Dream his phone number before making his way for the bus he was so close to missing.

The second George sat down on the bus his phone vibrated, the name of the contact making George roll his eyes.

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