Arch 3: Chapter 27: The Two Maiden Goddesses and the Gooey Monsters

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A/N: There will be information at the end of the story so make sure to read it if you want to learn more about the future of this story.

Over time, Percy has come to accept many things that he couldn't comprehend nor get why those things happen to him. He had rather let it all sum up to the fact that he was involved in the world of gods and decided to not think too much about it since it always ended up with him looking like an idiot when he wanted to be logical while the rest thought differently. 

Now, 2 months after defeating the doppelgangers and being forced to let Artemis be turned into a goddess, he still couldn't get used to the fact that he was now dating two goddesses instead of just one. 

Percy had to give it to the fates for twisting his life so much that he ended up dating two people instead of one. Now, before people would judge him and say that he shouldn't complain about having two girlfriends when it is basically every man's dream, they should keep in mind that he was not dating just two regular and simple women, no, he was dating two goddesses

The initial interaction between Percy and Diana was a bit awkward for lack of a better word. Artemis was probably the one that was the most uncomfortable since she had explained to him how their feelings had been mixed and most of those feelings had been from Diana and a smaller portion were hers. Percy had been shocked and slightly hurt at first, but then he remembered that Artemis had told him that she was a mixture of Diana and Artemis so he couldn't blame anybody but himself for that. 

Now, don't get him wrong. Percy saw the positive out of his little situation of dating two goddesses. They were similar but very different at the same time. Just remembering how he had first interacted with Diana made him chuckle and a small adoring smile formed on his face. 


"Wait, what?" Percy disbelieving spoke after he process Artemis' words. "What are you talking about, Arty?" 

Artemis winced at seeing how confused and lost her boyfriend was acting. 

"You idiot! You can't just say things like that out of nowhere!" Artemis winced at hearing Diana scream in her head. "You better fix this up quickly or I'm coming out by force!" 

Artemis knew that things would get even more hectic if her Roman counterpart separated from her. She had already confused Percy and Diana butting in won't make the situation any easier with how different she can be from her when she talks to somebody she trusts. 

"Percy, just take a couple of deep breaths and I'll explain, okay?" Artemis spoke softly and calmly, making Percy's confusion stop from becoming anxious after hearing her statement. "It isn't as bad as it sounds," 

Percy wasn't an idiot and knew what Artemis was talking about, but the idea of dating Diana was just incomprehensible. Percy had met several of the gods and goddesses' Roman counterparts and learned that they were stricter and more stern versions of their Greek origins. So going but that logic, Diana was way more cold and short-tempered than Artemis, making him wonder why it was that it was mostly Diana's feelings instead of Artemis. 

"Okay," Percy said after taking a couple of breaths to calm himself. "Can you please explain what you mean by also dating your Roman counterpart Diana?" 

Artemis nodded before taking a deep breath, getting ready to explain what she could come up with. "So, while I was a mortal, my body was a fusion of both of my aspects: Roman and Greek. I kept being addressed as Artemis because that is my oldest name and what even Diana had been associated with. However, while most of my body was a combination between both of my aspects, my feelings for you were mostly influenced by Diana," 

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