Chapter 23: A Legendary Return(M)

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Third POV

The campers and hunters were having trouble holding back the doppelgangers along with the monsters. They were spread too thin as they were trying to cover as much ground as possible. They were all too tired of these types of direct attacks at camp. Ever since the fall of their leader and friend Percy Jackson, the attacks continued almost every other day. A stronger force rendered the shield protecting the camp useless and unprotected from monster attacks. 

Artemis had taken the role of leader ever since the death of her beloved. She had spent almost all of her time training and battling to distract herself from the excruciating pain of losing the love of her life. Even though she was now able to be with her hunters since they were required to be back at camp for protection, she wouldn't spend too much time with them since she basically wasn't their patron. The hunters tried to tell her that they were fine to be led by her as a mortal, but she still wouldn't do it since she had decided to be in a relationship with Percy. 

The ex-goddess was currently in the med bay getting a stab wound treated. She had gotten distracted parrying a swing from a trident and forgot her left side where she got stabbed by a dagger from a dracaena. She was leaving the med bay ready to get back into the fight when she felt a tremendous earthquake shake the entire area. 

The earthquake was so strong that it cracked the ground and enormous pieces of solid ground poke out of the ground. The entire battle stopped and became wary of a stronger opponent arriving at the battle. 

Out of nowhere, a wall of Greek fire separated the campers from the monsters. The sheer intensity of the fire was enough to make both the campers and the monster back away from it. Then, a circle of fire encased the monsters inside, giving them nowhere to run. 

Then, up in the air right on of the monsters, a hurricane of Greek fire started forming. The winds started picking up and gaining speeds of up to 160 kilometers(100 miles for the U.S. people). The hurricane started to fall on the monsters and encase them in Greek fire. The monsters cried and scream in pain until they were nothing but piles of golden ash and shadows dissolving into nothing. 

The hunters, campers, nature spirits, and satyrs were in awe at the demonstration of power. No one could do something too disastrous but a god. They thought that a god had come to their aid since the show of power and the incredible aura display pointed to it. 

The Greek fire soon died and smoke was all the warriors could see. They were wondering who their savior was and wanted to thank them for their help.

Artemis soon got out of her shock and marched up to the front lines to speak with whoever saved them. As she was walking through the camper, she felt the aura and immediately stopped in her tracks. She haven't felt that aura in almost a year and she couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it because she didn't want to get her hopes up at something that might be false. Soon she restarted marching up and finally broke through the first line of campers and all she could see was the gray and black smoke coming from the smoking grass. 

The campers were patiently waiting for the person to show themselves. They suddenly saw the gleam of a bronze blade that cut through the smoke like a light. The only ones in the entire camp who knew a blade capable of doing that were Annabeth, Thalia, Chiron, and Artemis. 

All four of them were secretly praying that it was him and no one else. Artemis was on the verge of running through the smoke to finally see if it was him and not someone with a similar sword. 

They noticed that the gleam of the bronze sword became more intense as it came closer to them. Soon, a gust of wind blew the smoke out of the way. When the smoke cleared out, everyone gasped at who they saw.

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