Chapter 10: Blood and Water

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Percy POV

Same time as the last chapter

The last thing I could remember prior to waking up was that I was walking through the beach in Atlantic City with C and Artemis. I felt my surroundings getting quieter and quieter until I fell to my knees and slowly lose consciousness. 

Before opening my eyes I could feel a familiar freeze and wet sensation all throughout my body. I immediately knew that I was underwater and my instincts were in overdrive. I tried to move my arm up to my face only to be met by the resistance of cold and strong metal shackles in both of my forearms. 

I opened my eyes and I am met with the beast that I have been looking for. Now the fact that I passed out earlier made sense because the Leviathan was who made me black out. I got up and stand right in front of the beast concealing my nerves and fear and putting on an emotionless face. I took a moment to really look at the Leviathan and noticed besides being a monster, I could say that it was the most magnificent sea creature that I have ever seen. 

Its sea-blue scales that cover its entire body really help it camouflage in the ocean. The crest that it has from its head to the end of its tail. Pure white teeth that could destroy anything without too much effort. The mane just gives it more authority than anything else. If it weren't for the fact that I was chained to the sea floor with power-dampening golden chains, I would really be lost in this creature, but the circumstances didn't help. 

"Hello, Perseus Jackson" The Leviathan spoke in an ancient feminine voice. "What do you want with me?" My voice was raspy even though the water kept healing me. The Leviathan just kept eyeing me until an army of several species of sea monsters started to gather surrounding me completely. In a desperate attempt to get out of the chains I pulled back on them only to have a monster hit me with a whip on the back. I gritted my teeth trying to hold on to my scream not giving them any pleasure in my agony. 

"Now now young Perseus, you must know that this is only the beginning. It will end once you have lost everything and everyone you love." The Leviathan promised as she nodded to the monster with the whip to continue. Once again I could feel the burning and insufferable feeling of the whip against my flesh. I could not see my back but I could feel small bits of flesh separating from my body from the amount of force that the whip had.

"Why are you doing this? I have never done anything to you?" I pleaded. As much as I don't like the way of getting information, I needed to know a bit more so that I can have some background of why they are attacking. "You have slain millions of monsters along with powerful deities. You slay the most powerful titans and giants, effectively demonstrating that you have more power than anyone else."

"But I am not even from your pantheon. I am a greek and roman demigod who just wants to live in a piece for once in my life." I argued. I didn't know what exactly my plan was, but I needed to gain as much time and information as possible if I wanted to get out of here alive. The Leviathan just smiled and said something that took me by surprise. "Your bracelets hold a power that no one else has. If someone were to take that power, they will become the strongest being on the planet. Unlike with many deities, if someone kills you while you wear those, they receive your power. I don't know why but I was told that." 

Wait, she said that she was told that, was she working for someone else? And if she did, who was that another person or being that was so powerful that could manipulate the Leviathan? These and many more questions started popping into my head, but I knew that if I kept poking I will eventually end up dead sooner rather than later. 

My thought was suddenly cut off when I felt the whip slash my lower back, efficiently drawing blood and small amounts of flesh. I gritted my teeth as the pain started to subdue because the water kept healing me. Ever since I started training with my father, my water abilities had increased effectively healing me two times faster than they how originally did. As my cut started to close another hit came to my gut from in front. 

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