Chapter 11: Flashbacks and Lessons

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Artemis POV

Camp Half-Blood

After just two hours of traveling on top of C, we made it to camp. We ran towards the big house to tell Chiron about the attack and that Percy was captured. "Chiron!" I shouted as I reach the door of the big house and made myself in. I found him in the kitchen area making himself tea. He instantly turned to me with curiosity, he then asked the single thing that hurt the most. "Lady Artemis, where is Percy?" The moment he said his name I almost broke down, I had no answer for why I felt this way but I am just going to say that it is our bond as master and servant. 

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before answering Chiron so that I wouldn't break down during the story. Almost half an hour later, I had finished telling him the story of what had happened since we left for Atlantis. I noticed that he got really worried and almost cried when I told him about my dream of me watching Percy being tortured restlessly. 

"We need to prepare for the coming attack. The logic of this attack would be that they will come from the beach." Chiron stated before he headed out of the big house and call for Annabeth to meet him. "We do but I need to go and look for Percy." I argued. 

"As much as I like that idea, we can't do anything to help Percy. He is trapped in the middle of an underwater cave that none of us could reach. As much as it pains me, we need to leave Percy to himself so that if we come victorious from this battle, we can send a proper quest to save him." Chiron countered with a solid argument. I just stood there in the rage of not being able to go and search for him. Being this far from him so long is just making things harder for me because of this stupid bond. I have never seen or heard of the side effects of a servant being far from their master for so long and I wasn't intending of being the first to experience it. 

"Okay, I'll just stay until after the battle and then I am out to look for Percy and that is it." I stated before heading out of the Big House. As I made my way down the steps thinking of ways to save Percy after the battle, someone brought me out of my thoughts by touching my shoulder. On instinct, I shoulder flip the person and place my left foot over their throat effectively choking the person. I noticed that it was Annabeth and hesitantly remove my foot from her throat and help her up. 

"What do you want Athena spawn?" I asked with distaste.

Annabeth flinch under my gaze and tone, she took a few breaths to stable herself before answering. "I just want to know where Percy is." At the mention of his name, I felt a small poke at my heart like someone was stabbing it. "I really want to talk to him about... us." She finish as a look of guilt fell upon her face. I instantly knew what she was talking about. I felt a weird feeling that most people call 'jealousy' but I didn't know where it came from. 

I got ahold of myself before answering her. "He has been captured by a powerful sea monster who is going to attack camp tomorrow. Go and talk to Chiron, he is going to fill you in on the rest of the details." Annabeth's look change from guilty to shock and worry. She just nodded to me and started walking up to the Big House, just as she was about to enter the door I shouted. "Annabeth!" She looked back at me with an emotionless face. "If you really think that Percy is going to go back to being your boyfriend, you must think about it once again because you shattered him to his core." This statement made Annabeth almost tear up and headed inside the house. 

I made my way to the archery range to try and forget for a bit about the entire things that had happened in the last 24 hours. I was too distracted that I just nailed 7 out of 10 bullseyes and decided to go to the arena and practice a bit with my hunting knives and the sword Percy gave me during our time in Atlantis. I took out my silver 3-foot sword. It was made from Atlantian steel, ironically it was silver instead of sea-green like the rest of the things coming from the sea. I remember the day Percy gave me this sword like it just had happened a couple of minutes ago. 

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