Chapter 7: The First Threat

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Percy POV

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. This day had been filled with surprises. Initially, I get a new guardian(I don't like to call C a servant, he's a good guy once you get to know him). Secondly, the two primordials of light and day heard my prayers. Thirdly, Artemis and I had the opportunity to visit The Heavens which was mindblowing because according to Artemis, no being lesser than a primordial has visited it. Last but not least, Hemera just told us that the hardest era in the history of the divine and humanity is to begin. Great, just great(notice my sarcasm for that last part). 

However, no matter what situations I had been in before with the last two prophecies, I won't let it get my mood down. If I came out of those other two prophecies out, then I can come out of this one as well, and keep Artemis safe since she is a mortal now with the scent of a demigod. 

My life is really interesting now that I think about it. Last week I became the 'master' of Artemis and just a few minutes later I got dumped by Annabeth, and I almost forgot about the bracelets. Now today I don't need to restate what just happened, but I am just gonna continue. 

"Lord Aether and Lady Hemera, what do you mean by it?" Artemis asked bringing me back to reality from my little mind rambling. Hemera took a deep breath before snapping her fingers and the entire throne room became darker than its original blinding white light. Aether move next to me and signaled for me to show my bracelets, which I comply with. 

Soon after I showed both bracelets, they emitted light from them to the middle of the throne room with symbols that I couldn't comprehend. But a few seconds later I could understand them, "Chaos Book 1, pg 342." I mumble to myself. This gained me a look of confusion from the primordial couple and Artemis. After a few seconds, I noticed their reaction. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I mindlessly ask.

The primordials just kept looking at me with interest and confusion while Artemis just facepalm. "We are intrigued because you just read the oldest language. One that only us, the primordials, and Chaos herself know how to read and write." Aether responded as he and Hemera continue to look at me with interest. At this, I just responded with my typical "oh." This also made Artemis facepalm herself once again and gain a chuckle from the primordials. 

"Well, going back to the topic at hand, what does Chaos Book 1, pg 342 means?" I asked hurriedly trying to get back on topic before I cause more embarrassment. "Just like you said so yourself. It is a book that was written by Chaos herself, it is also the first book written in the universe. Luckily for you, we have that book here with us in our library, she gave it to us as a present for our wedding. Aether and I can tell you what it says, or we can read it directly from the book. Your choice." Hemera simply stated as she wave her hand making a white marble table appear along with 4 comfortable chairs. 

"What if we do both." Artemis quickly answer as she took a seat. I could tell that she was exhausted from keeping herself on her feet for the amount of power that the couple produced. We all took a sit, me sitting beside Artemis and Hemera along with Aether opposite us. Hemera flick her wrist and a book made out of what looked like black stone appeared right in front of us. 

"Let us give you the shorter version and then you can take a copy to study it yourself since Perseus can read primordial language." Aether said before summoning some godly and mortal food for us. I took a plate with spaghetti and meatballs while Artemis took a plate with fried salmon making me depressed. At this sight, Hemera caught my emotions and gave me a sympathetic look before addressing the matter at hand. 

"I'm sure you know the famous tale among the divine and that Chaos made those bracelets herself, right?" Aether said looking at me. I nodded signaling that I am giving them my full attention. "Well, it's not quite like that. It only changes on the number of threats and something else that the tale doesn't mention." This statement from Hemera just started giving me a bad feeling and I preferred not knowing what it is. 

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