Chapter 8: Under the Sea

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Artemis POV

After Perseus told me that he was going to the Big House to see his parents I went to change and followed him. I arrived a few minutes later and when I was getting to the room I heard them talk about the next threat.

"We won't beat around the bush because I know how much you hate people not being direct." A voice said. I instantly recognized it was Poseidon. He took a deep breath meaning that Perseus won't like what he was about to say. Gods I was wrong, I was more shocked than Perseus. "The first threat is The Leviathan."

At the moment he mention the Leviathan my blood turned cold. Shivers were sent down my back making me sweat cold. I went into the room and said a word that has become pretty used this last week.


My abrupt interruption made them all jump from their seats with the exception of Perseus. His face was paled but also showed confusion. The next thing he said was probably one that took everyone by surprise. "How come I have to face the Leviathan? Isn't it supposed to be from Jewish culture, not Greek/Roman culture?" I was already getting used to the idea that Perseus was smarter than he let everyone else see, but no one else knew that, and was shocked.

After my uncle and aunt got over their shock they look at each other and silently agree to tell him something that I didn't know either. "Yes, the leviathan is not greek nor roman. But it is such a powerful creature that can bend through the boundaries between cultures. It's like us the gods, we can be represented in other cultures even though we aren't. It's the same with monsters and demons. The strongest ones like the Kraken, leviathan, Typhon, certain dragons, and some others are the ones that can cross between cultures. But the thing is that the rift between us had not been this weak since before we were born." Hestia said with her soft but serious tone. Perseus, Dyonisis, and I were pretty shocked at this revelation. It is something so old that not even my aunt was there to see it.

"Before our dreams, we thought that the stories of battles between cultures like the Greeks and the Romans were untrue. But after the visit from the fates to Hestia and I, we are now sure those stories were true." Poseidon said. He noticed his shocked face from Perseus and put his hand on Perseus' shoulder to try and help him. "We also have something else for you to know..." Aunt Hestia said before getting a serious and sad expression on her face. "The fates told us that they can't see the future pass two months from now after you encounter the Leviathan. They said that not even their mother nor Chaos herself knows what is going to happen next." Hestia continued before pulling Perseus for a warm hug to try and ease him.

"So you are telling us that the Fates, Ananke, and Chaos can't see the outcome of this battle?" I asked. My voice had a bit of fear and sadness. Poseidon and Hestia shooked their heads. I look to Perseus to see his reaction but he didn't look much better than I did. Poor him, he just got hit in the face with so much information and none of it is good.

He was quiet for a few seconds before changing his face to a small grin and turning towards his father and saying something in his ear. My uncle had a quizzical look before turning to a soft smile and nodding to Perseus. "Yes Percy, I can train you and help Artemis and C" Poseidon said before standing up. Hestia smiled after Perseus whisper something to her. She nodded and gave him a hug before saying goodbye to me and disappearing into a column of flames. Poseidon then disappeared in a mist leaving a smell of sea breeze.

I look at Perseus and noticed a small smile on his face meaning that he had come up with an idea. "Are you going to tell us what you told them or what?" I asked in pure curiosity. He gave me his well-known grin. "I'll tell you during breakfast. Now let's go, it's almost time."

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